Yeah,Che would be good. The only reason I don't like him is he doesn't protect himself or impact the board really. But I'll give him a shot
Huntmaster and hellspark elemental would be great
4 vexing devil, 4 chain lighting, 4 flame rift, 4 goblin guide, 4 fireblast, 4 hellspark elemental. replace 10 mountains with fetches, and cut the lands to 18. Cut volcanic hammer, arc trail, thunderbolt, incinerate, shock, rift bolt, and shrin. That is a full fledged all out legacy burn deck. Yours is a nice budget version though
U need Blightning. That card is incredible. Also try lotus cobra, it's good. U really should try and get some maelstrom pulses. They are really good
Yeah, but vexing devil is really bad too, because of the card advantage. Would u have your opponent mull to five and have you start at 16? Because that is what vexing devil is without the right kind of backup
Eldrazi shuffle your whole graveyard into my library, which slaughters me. I am going to try an add more fatties though, just not eldrazi
Well if your trying to get out them out with primal surge, shouldn't they be more exspensive to get more value. Craterhoof behemoth is really good because it can get as big as all the creatures I. Your deck +5, which is a good win con sense it has haste and trample
It's in avacyn restored. IRS a better font of mythos because u can control it
It's a infect deck, so geth's verdict doesn't help much, neither does vapor snag
Try otherworld atlas
Sounds cool. It sounds like it was more of a combo deck. This deck is ore focused on unwrapping guys to get value, but I like the sound of that deck
Nickyeaman Ok, that makes sense, but why not just have a removal spell instead. Wouldn't that be better??
No, fertile adds additional mana, while abundant growth doesn't, it just makes the land make any color. Fertile ground accelerates my mana, which is why I'm running it
Pristine tailsman is really good
Consume spirit seems very bad,and obliterator/skinrender doesn't seem great
Black suns zenith is very good against tempered steel, tokens, aggro and most homebrews. Consider a basic sideboard that is just creature based vs. non creature based decks. It would be simple, and with a meta that screwed, it sounds like simple is what u need
Yeah, il just don't know. Is there a reason to go all forest?? Try some duels. Cut curse of the pierced heart, hissing miasma, And other stuff. Why do u need 2 of things when your playing a eternal fetcher?? Seems unnecessary even if your worried about drawing them, u can just cast them before u cast enduring ideal. Mystic decree seems random, as well as city of solitude.
U might want to add on some more things to dump stuff n your graveyard, or focus on control and just wait the game out till u just hard cast Bruno, shouldn't be too hard
Some of the relentless rats decks I see splash blue or red for call to kindred, or shared animosity. Also, door of destinies?? Marrow gnawed is nice too
An elsewhere knight errant and sorin, lord of Innistrad are nice because they can keep u going after a wrath. U might want to cut Garruk for one of them, unless u need the acceleration that much. As u said with Craterhoof, and overrun is kind of unnecessary. If he is good in the deck, I'd love to know why though
61-80 of 216 items