I'm not sure if this actually works, but nice combo!
Correct me if I'm wrong, the Idea of this deck is to Game 1 be a control deck and then side in all the aggro stuff in games 2-3?If so then you're doing a few things wrong: Burning Earth is almost always in your sideboard. Why? because you don't want to get in the state where you're playing against a mono colored deck and then lose horribly. Tibalt. Ohh, Tibalt. If you're looking for card draw then put in Faithless Looting, if you want to steal creatures, then add act of treason, if you want to punish peoples hands. then use Toil\Tumble, but just don't play Tibalt beacause he'll wreck your hand and lose you the game.
Nice deck Idea, finally a mono-red deck without too many aggro elements! Young Pyromancer will fit nicely in this deck, and also maybe Wild Guess for some card draw. Mutavault seems like an interesting addition you could add, since you don't have many creatures in the deck.
This is a casual deck right? Because it looks like one. There are a lot of out of place creatures and spells that look like you're playing three different deck strategies in one, and, excuse me if I'm wrong, those look like: Lifegain (Sanguine Bond, Angelic Accord, Trostani, Voracious Wurm, Saruli Gatekeepers, Path of Bravery, etc...), Tokens (Trostani, Rootborn Defences, Advent of the Wurm, Selesnya Charm, Angelic Accord, etc...), and Hexproof (Fencing Ace, Frontline Medic, Unflinching Courage, etc...). I think you are more focused on Lifegain, then for the initial fixing, drop Fencing Ace and Frontline Medic, since they don't help you very much. Add in a full playset of Voracious Wurm, Advent of the Wurm, Angelic Accord, and Sanguine Bond, since they are some of your most powerful cards that help your lifegain combo work. And finally, since you're playing black, please add more removal! Doom Blade, Putrefy, Abrupt Decay are just some of many of your top notch removal spells. On a side note, you can add the tokens theme to your deck if you want to, you just have to add more token generators and, since you're playing guildgates, you could add some Sunspire Gatekeepers.
Change applied, I'll be happy if you give me some more advice
I made a few changes, I'd be happy to see what you think about them.
I see your point and I am completely open for suggestions.
You're right, it's not really your typical aggro deck, but you don't really expect a mono blue deck to have this type of layout.
Nice suggestions, but this is a standard deck that doesn't include M13 and Innistrad.
Added Sideboard
I REALLY like this deck more than I thought I would. If this isn't budget, then I would suggest putting some shocklands, so you wouldn't be slowed down by guildgates.
Why is Nefarox in here? But besides that nice idea.
As one Dimir Player to another, I just have to help you with this deck. Instead of the Soulworn Spirit, I suggest Keymaster Rouge, it's bigger and you can bounce back a Balustrade Spy to mill some more. I'd drop Midnight Recovery and Last Thoughts, because you usually won't get to use them to the fullest. Instead add in more Paranoid Dilusion and Shadow Slice because they have impact even if you don't get to Cipher them onto something. Grisly Spectacle is a bit pricey for removal, I'd try something like Murder or Doom Blade. At least one more Duskmantle Guildmage and Consuming Abberation, because they help a lot when you get to stalemates.
I was thinking about if to put in Imposing Sovereign or Blind Obedience, and I prefer Imposing Sovereign, because if you have two Blind Obedience in your opening hand, one of them is just a dead card, but if you have two Imposing Sovereign in your opening hand, then you still have a chump blocker.
Nice Idea, but I am trying to keep this deck in the Standard format without including M13.
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