Exalted ftw
Aqueous form on flame speaker adept is fun
Deadbridge Chant isnt good in here because you have only 8 creatures
You didn't notice one thing: Garruk, Caller of Beasts interacts with GREEN creatures, so he won't help you much with the Collosus
Breeding pool wants to be in this deck!
I'd replace some Hallowed Fountains with forests, you dont have a lot of blue and you need early green mana
Aqeous Form is just plain Over Powered
Looking Good! This deck has a bright future, since you want to make it considerably budget for FNM, then Warped physique is a good, cheap removal spell in case you don't get your whole deck. The mana base is ok, but since you're making it budget, I won't suggest Watery Grave. Otherwise great deck!
I'd Exchange it for a Chronic Flooding and a Cyclonic Rift. I also run a casual mill deck, and having a good curve is the key to success. Lazav, Dimir Mastermind is also really cool so I'd run him as a one-of.
Contaminated Ground is a fun card, but it isn't that good in the meta format, it's esentially a three mana for not letting your opponent do something unless he pays 2 life and can use it only for colorless mana best scenario or black mana worst scenario. And with all of those pesky life gain decks around, that's not a really huge threat. Mirko Vosk is good for milling, and Mind Grind is a good spell to invest your mana into
True, True....
Not bad, maybe you should consider adding a tutor for those moments you need Bolas or something
Cartel aristocrat goes well with your theme, maybe add some creatures that like to die like Doomed Traveler. Lingering souls gets you minions to kill. Sublime archangel seems to look good with your deck also
I personally like the rakdos keyrune much better than the cluestone, and Hellhole flailer is a very good creature. Exava can just demolish opposing decks
Added Gift of Orzhova for some more Lifegain and evasion.
Three words: Glimpse the Unthinkable
Nice deck Idea, but here are some stuff that will help you with it:Madcap Skills, is a great evasion power buffer that can be BTAed (Burning Tree Emissaried) intoFirefist Striker is a nice way to get around big fatties or threats like Boros Reckoner and can also be BTAedGyre sage is good for ramp and can be BTAed
Added Merciless Eviction for some board wiping.
Added Angel of Serenity for a late game finisher.
61-80 of 95 items