temple of plenty?
Satyr Wayfinder would be a nice addition here.
Groundswell, Might of Old Krosa....
Tormented Hero is a good 1-drop that adds a bit to your devotion
Experiment one could be cool
Maybe some removal, or burn such as Magma Jet or Lightning Strike?
Maybe splash white for Boros Charm, Warleader's Helix and Chained to the Rocks?
4x Young Pyromancer. 'nuff said
I'd complete the playset of Fanatic of Xenagos, cut the Mistcutter Hydra (See what I did there?) and mainboard the Ghor-Clan Rampager.I also don't really like Burning-Tree Emmisary here, because it feels kinda bad when you have to play a 2/2 for two. I think you should consider Peregrination for your high cost creatures and a scry.
If you're playing four and six drops, then id suggest adding more lands or cutting them. But otherwise good deck!
I saw this deck on SCG and I think you should add a sideboard
why splash white?
You could make it a Junk deck and Doran, the Siege Tower to make Yoked Ox a 4/4
Ashen Rider's cmc is 8 and you have only 22 lands, I'd up it to 24 lands and drop 2 Boon of Erebos
Right, Nice Idea!
Really? I was sure a mana ability is an ability that costs mana... well that shows I'm a noob :P. But stuff like cloudshift that can blink the Triad are kinda cheap I guess..
Last time I checked 103 dollars isn't budget. But cool deck anyways!
good Idea! Added
Good deck, but I think you got mixed up on one part, the Triad of Fates's ability is a mana ability, not a triggered ability, so stuff like Strionic Resonator, or Illusionists Bracers won't work on it. Also Restoration Angel is great for this deck.
Mutavault should help here.
41-60 of 95 items