Not that I care if you did base your list off of his, just want to make sure credit is given
Just want to point out, this is nearly an EXACT copy of a TurboFog list from Gavin Verhey's Reconstructed column from today. Only difference is Demonking has a set of Dream Twists instead of Farseeks and replaced 1 moonmist with another Auger. Aside from those 2 differences, everything else is the EXACT SAME(even the land choices, despite a change in some colors which would suggest a second Sunpetal Grove over the 2nd Glacial Fortress). Pretty remarkable coincidence.
Brimstone volley is weak with pillar, but it's great with the Aristocrat. While I agree Bump is overplayed, it's this is the kind of deck that it's good in. The deck is able to get a lot of damage in early, and then it just needs a mix of a few Volley, Bump, or Searing Spear with guttersnipe to finish the opponent off. This deck isn't really the kind of deck I normally play though. Here's the Selesnya deck I will be playing the next time I go to FNM and my dream Jund deck that I'll probly never play(too expensive)
Interesting, though for straight-up zombies, R/B with aristocrat seems to be better. Heres my Golgari Zombies, its a bit more graveyard-oriented, but I've been successful with it.
Thanks for the input Poet, your a good builder and i really appreciate your opinion, especially on the sideboard(Im not great at building sides). I'll add the 4th Slaughter Games and Golgari charm, and I will add some Rakdos charms. I'll also add Sever the Bloodline and fix the lands, 12 duals is probly too much( 24 lands,4 dragonskulls with set of Rakdos keyrune? What was I thinking?) I haven't had the chance to play this one at FNM yet, so I know my sideboard wasn't great Thanks again for your input, could you also help me with my G/W aggro? Im pretty sure the maindeck is good, but I could use some help with the sideboard.
While I like both Humans and Rites, this deck seems way too inconsistent. I did the draw simulator quite a few times, and you often either dont have enough land or its not the right color. Nearly half the draws left you without a nonland play until turn 3. The lack of early buildup means that you get hammered by the fastest aggro decks, and are just getting started when G/W or Jund midrange decks are dropping their high end creatures like wolfir silverheart, thragtusk, and huntmaster of the fells. Feel free to check out my version of Humans and my Unburial Rites
Looks alright, but in current standard the color fixing on lands is so good that mono colored decks are at a huge disadvantage. Selesnya decks can easily play every card in this deck without any color trouble, and gets access to more powerful spells. Heres my Selesnya aggro deck, I've been pretty successful with it and its quite cheap for a tournament quality deck.
Relentless is super fragile, the removal is only profitable on a 2/2 or weaker, and the creature search requires sacrificing another creature, so doesnt help after board sweepers. Hunter gives me wolves to recover after a board sweep, and threatens ultimate on control if they don't have permanent removal. Hunter's draw ability is great also, it can usually give me a ton of cards so I wont get caught empty-handed when someone wipes my board
While I agree Jund is my worst matchup, i think its actually a pretty even one. My creatures are more cost-efficient, and I can have a huge board presence before they get their good creatures out. Miracled bonfires are a problem for me though. I was going to make a Jund deck, but it was too expensive. Here's my $500+ dream Jund deck, take a look
After some playtesting, i've found that this deck has very few weak draws, and can consistently(90% of the time)have a big threat on the table by turn 4. Grove of the guardian is really good here, ensuring that i have plenty of lands but giving me a back-up in games where i only get 1 or 2 big attackers and the opponent has removal, and is incredible after late-game board sweepers where the control opponent hopes to finish, I can drop a huge 8/8 to attack AND block even if I dont have cards in hand. Combined with a rancor (often returned to my hand when the board is swept) the elemental can turn an opponents would-be finish into an easy kill for me.
I like it, cool idea.
Drop either the murders or the doom blades and replace with Go For The Throat. Its cheaper than murder and usually has more targets than doom blade. Also, I think I would maindeck the dreadbores, you have plenty of access to both colors and dreadbore is better in every other way than any of the other removal spells i mentioned. So -4 Doom Blade (maybe sideboard) -4 Murder (maybe sideboard) +4 Dreadbore (replace the side board spot with either murder or doom blade) +4 Go For The Throat Heres my B/R deck
This is a solid list, but I think that the ones with more ramp and removal and fewer of the low cost creatures seem to do better. Able to drop a thragtusk, olivia, or huntmaster on 3 in many games and aggro never has a chance. Once you have 5 lands, you can keep dropping powerful beaters while your removal keeps opponents threats off the table. I lost to a deck like this a few weeks ago and decided to build my own. Heres my Jund, i know you're a good builder, so please take a look and suggest if you see anything I should change
no Delver of Secrets?
Also, just a cosmetic difference, fix the title. Its spelled Talrand (misspelled names in titles are a big pet peeve of mine)
I would add another Talrand and streamline your burn suite. Drop trumpet/rally, replace the blustersqualls with unsummon or cyclonic rift. Drop magmaquake, you probly want a full set of searing spear, you need some pillar of flame, and you also shouls add mizzium mortars. You dont have a reliable way to get morbid, so drop brimstone volley. Since you dont have much removal, you want to drop mark of mutiny for full set of traitorous blood/instinct. Overall, its a nice idea, but it needs more talrands and more defense spells, and less 1- or 2-ofs that limit the consistency and the chance of drawing the spells you need.
Just want to point out, its spelled Llanowar(2 Ls)
What you said about messenger is true, but the reason pillar is so highly played IS that it kills messenger.
Why do you have treasure mage?
Oh crap, yes it should be somberwald sage
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