
33 Decks, 169 Comments, 18 Reputation

I did read description, I'm just skeptical of the deck being able to run smoothly with so few lands, no ramp, and so many 4-5 cmc creatures. Only draw spell is abundant growth. I feel like this is truly a more midrange creature base, thats trying to get by on an aggro deck's mana base. I know a lot depends on where/who you're playing, but I feel like at my local store this wouldnt be very successful. My store is very competitive, on the sign up sheet each week theres a box you can check to donate 2 packs into an additional prize, that goes to whoever finished highest of the people who bought packs(the other rule is that you can't win the prize twice in a row with same deck)This is only way I am able to afford to upgrade/update my decks, because the winner often receives as many as 20 packs. Every time I manage to win, I get either the cards I need or several cards good enough to trade to get them

Posted 28 November 2012 at 01:10 in reply to #306421 on PredatorTusk


For removal, Mizzium Mortars is better than searing spear. It doesn't have the advantage of hitting players, but an overloaded Mortars will often allow you to deal tons of damage with your creatures before the opponent can rebuild their board. If you are having problems finishing off control after sweepers, then keep them in.(I figure that with 4 duress in the sideboard, plus slaughter games, you would be alright against most control)

Posted 27 November 2012 at 23:31 as a comment on Night of the Vampire (Standard)


Glad to see you liked and agreed with most of my opinions,(especially since I'm not always perfect at seeing the use of some sideboard cards, something I'm trying to improve on). Also, I like that you put Slaughter Games in the sideboard, its a great card that I forgot to mention. Im also glad you liked my G/W tourny deck:)

Posted 27 November 2012 at 23:25 in reply to #305740 on Night of the Vampire (Standard)


Sorry about the rant, it just makes me mad that I was the first to notice this, despite the number of posts. I hate how so many people on this site post without thinking at all so they can leave a deck link. I have no problem with people leaving link, I just feel that the linked deck should be related or the poster should have given actual thought and left real feedback/constructive criticism.
Also, I see that in your earliest posts you mention having chromatic lanterns and 23 lands. THAT might be able to support this, and if your friend used that then I can see how he did well. It looks like you may have just added cards that posters above mentioned, but forgot that you were reducing mana base but increasing curve.

Posted 27 November 2012 at 23:07 in reply to #306421 on PredatorTusk


Hmm... looks like good creature selection, but I can't believe that you(who I consider an excellent deckbuilder) would put this curve on this weak a mana base. I'm even more surprised at the number of people who commented without noticing how bad the mana base was compared to the curve(Though thats prolly cause most comments on front page deck consist of: (insert useless/random comment here) Please check this out when you get the time!(insert link to unrelated deck here), People comment without looking just to leave a deck link.

I honestly can barely believe your friend did that well with this deck, he must have been really lucky, especially against the control and the Golgari Zombies(unless the Zombies was the slower budget version).
How does this deck possibly work on this mana base? You can't seriously run 22 lands especially since everytime you use Evolving Wilds it reduces number of lands left in deck. There is no way that 22 lands in a deck with NO ramp spells, NO mana producing creatures(like Arbor Elf), and NO land-fetching creatures(like Dawntreader Elk).
How do you possibly have enough mana to to play Primal Hunter, 3 Silverhearts, and 3 Thragtusks? Not to mention having 6 four-drops(not too many for some decks but for a 22-land aggro thats high even for the top of your curve). There is virtually no chance of a turn-5 thragtusk, and almost no early board presence.

How do you possibly beat real midrange decks?(which is what this really is, a midrange deck on an aggro mana base). A real midrange deck(take a look at one of your many Jund decks you've posted) will be crushing this deck with Olivia, Thragtusk(often with resto angel), and Huntmaster easily 2 turns before you play a legitimate threat(other than maybe Ooze, but that takes a few turns to get going to). By the time you do, they probly have multiple removal cards. Even if you draw tons of removal, a Rakdos's Return could hit you for most of your hand while you just wait hoping for a land. And if Entreat gets Miracled in the first 10 turns, you better hope you miracle a Bonfire your next turn or you're done
He beat an Azorius Control? It couldn't have been a very good one. O-ring takes out Ooze, unless you get a super lucky draw they would be holding multiple sweepers before you get anything threatening out.

Even with Tormods Crypt, I wouldn't want to play against zombies. Golgari will be fast enough and resilient enough(you would need to get multiple Pillars to stop them) that I doubt you would get a game-winning creature out soon enough for it to make a difference. Against Jund Zombies, Falkenrath Aristocrat guarantees a loss.(You only have 3 ways to kill it, they will easily have enough to sac for indestructible, and you have no flyers)

Overall Poet, this is the most disapointing deck of yours that I have ever seen. For a deck that costs near $300 at cheapest (U.S. dollars, with sideboard), this deck is looks sadly incapable of winning against good(even budgets with less than $30) decks piloted by decent players without a lot of luck. I know you made changes, I figure you increased the curve a lot after your friend used it(Either that or the FNM he played at was pretty casual, the decks you list above are ones that are usually not very good on a tight budget).
Here is MY aggro, My deck is quite a bit cheaper than this one and I would even bet money on my deck against this one, plus I feel that mine is much more capable of beating other competitive decks in the format.

Posted 27 November 2012 at 22:58 as a comment on PredatorTusk


A casual play tournament? Never heard of that, didn't realize they existed.
Drop the Rogue's passage, its not very good. Add Sunpetal Grove, its been in last several core sets so is easy to get. It will help make of for lack of color on Grove of Guardian.

Here's my Selesnya deck, feel free to take a look and see if it gives you any ideas, and please tell me what you think about it.

Posted 27 November 2012 at 21:51 as a comment on GW Selesnya Stomp


Also, Militants is better against the meta. Against flashback-based control its great, and against aggro having 2 power is great, because Militants can trade with an unleashed Cackler or Chainwalker, as well as with a flipped Reckless Waif. It can also kill an unflipped Huntmaster or Huntmaster- /Garruk Relentless- spawned wolf token. With a Rancor, it becomes big enough to trade with flipped Huntmaster, unbonded Silverheart(block silverheart, then charm on its partner is a huge play), Restoration Angel, and Entreat tokens.

Posted 27 November 2012 at 21:09 in reply to #305982 on Selesnya Overun


Really? Do you think a 1/1 first striker would be better than a 2/1 with an ability? Im not so sure. However, I do have some in my collection(I drafted them all the time in B/W exalted). I'll playtest them and see how they do. I still feel like Mastiff wouldn't be any better. Also, Rancor wouldn't make mastiff a 3/3. Rancor is +2/+0 and trample.

Posted 27 November 2012 at 20:54 in reply to #305982 on Selesnya Overun


You rarely lose? Against actual Modern decks? Or just casual play? Also, Ezuri should only be a 3-of, and you should Copperhorn Scout, it lets your mana elves tap(before attacking), then untap, then tap again in your 2nd main phase to give you access to tons of mana. Also, with so much ramp you need a good way to use it. I usually play 4 copies of Green Sun's Zenith(also helps find archdruid), and a single copy of Protean Hydra and Primordial Hydra.(I'd prefer to just have 1 copy of Emrakul, but I havent been able to find one at a price I'm willing to pay, my deck is a budget Extended) They're both as big as you can pay for, Protean gets bigger instead of taking damage, and Primordial just keeps growing until something kills it or it tramples over for the win.
Please take a look at my Selesnya aggro if you have the time, i really need some opinions on it

Posted 27 November 2012 at 05:09 as a comment on Elves!


What format is this, and why don't you have 60 cards? At the very least make Precinct Captain a 4-of. 22 lands is not enough for this. Gather the Townsfolk would be good here. Increasing Devotion would be a good fit here(if you can afford). Here's the G/W deck I've been using

Posted 27 November 2012 at 04:57 as a comment on Soldiers!


Looks ok, but i think it's poorly positioned in current standard meta. It's too slow to do anything before control starts playing board sweepers, and doesn't have enough cards that are threatening on their own the turn after a sweeper. It lacks the raw power and removal of Jund. It's great against aggro decks, but they aren't particularly popular right now(they get dominated by midrange thragtusk).
Here's the Selesnya I've been using, it has a bit more aggro and ramp, and can be attacking for the kill on turn 5. Its also capable of dropping lots of great threats after sweepers. Check it out and tell me what you think!

Posted 27 November 2012 at 04:43 as a comment on Selesyna


I dont need counters, only weakness to this is Supreme Verdict. I left draw because I wanted to keep this pretty fast

Posted 26 November 2012 at 12:14 in reply to #306056 on Stalking Inquisition


I started with the pike, but any pump spell with the flail is better unless I have a bunch in graveyard. Also, flail doesn't have to worry about losing to graveyard hate. Flail also combos nicely with Rancor, and doesn't care if I make Nivmagus eat my spells(which hurts pike)

Posted 26 November 2012 at 12:12 as a comment on Stalking Inquisition


Looks alright. Drop Pennon Blade and Cultivate, once you do this will be standard legal. I would try to cut this down to 60 cards, it will make it more consistent and improve the overall strength of the deck by removing the weaker cards. Also, your curve is pretty bad right now, you only have a single 1-mana card(elixir). Add in 4 Avacyn's Pilgrim and 4 Arbor Elf, they're commons, so they should be easy to get. They will give you more early plays and help ramp you up to play your more expensive spells.
Here's the link to my Selesnya deck, check it out and leave a comment telling me what you think about it.

Posted 25 November 2012 at 20:14 as a comment on Selesnya/ Populate


Im thinking about cutting the Militants, but I need a good 1-drop to replace them with. Militants are color-friendly, aggressive(2 power), and destroy Snapcaster/Rites. Does anyone know a better card that I can replace them with? Please give me a suggestion, even if your not sure.

Posted 25 November 2012 at 20:13 as a comment on Selesnya Overun


Have you thought about adding white? There's lots of good commons and uncommons, like call of the conclave and avacyns pilgrim.
Check out the Selesnya deck that I play

Posted 25 November 2012 at 15:21 as a comment on Green stompy


Interesting deck, not competitive, but cheap and fun. I love Simic, my favorite color combo, can't wait til we get Gatecrash!

Posted 25 November 2012 at 07:17 as a comment on Stormtide


Just want to point out, two people above said that you need a way to discard your hand after you cast Worldpurge. That isn't true. Worldpurge reads that each player chooses UP TO seven cards to keep in hand, then shuffle rest away. "Up to" can include keeping none.

Posted 25 November 2012 at 07:12 as a comment on Trial Creatureless Deck v1


Really can't afford, im still trying to get a 3rd bonfire(only playtesting this on Cockatrice atm). I probly won't even build most of this deck outside of Cockatrice, I just spent a lot of money a few weeks ago to build my tournament deck

Posted 25 November 2012 at 06:57 as a comment on Electrosniped


Thanks for the complement, please post your Selesnya so I can see it:) Im always looking for other peoples versions of my decks, sometimes they have something I might have missed(though probly not with this deck, I've playtested and checked it a lot)

Posted 25 November 2012 at 05:41 in reply to #305754 on Selesnya Overun


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