That's reason I like Nivmagus, it makes any of my spells into permanent boosts. Its other advantage is that it prevents opponents from countering my pumps. Strangleroot Geist is worth having 2 3-4 copies in the sideboard against control, where its resistance to board sweepers is more important than winning the game fast
Thanks for telling me Green Sun' s Zenith is banned, I didn't realize.(like I said, this will be my first modern deck, I'm new to the format). I didn't play Murderous Redcap because I wasn't playing red, I thought white and blue would give me more situational creatures(I love Archmage+Melira, and Ethersworn Canonist is great because I'm getting my creatures from the Pod, so one spell each turn is fine. Like I said, I'm still playtesting this, so I'm not sure what the final list will look like
I think that I would also have Sorin Markov. If you've never seen him in Commander, his -3 is amazing when you start with 40, and his last ability is great with multiple opponents(make one attack the other).
That's a good suggestion, I really didn't think about Strangleroot Geist. Not completely sure it would be better, but it's definitely something I will try playtesting with.
Do you have any other good sideboard suggestions?
Yeah, I'm new to format, haven' t figured out best sideboard yet. I will definitely have a Linvala, she's great against a lot of things. I also want a copy of the new dragon(for affinity), and maybe an Acidic Slime. Harmonic Sliver is also a great card here, thanks for pointing it out.
Interesting deck, looks fun for casual play. + from me just because it's G/U(I love G/U and try to make it viable in every format I play, cant wait for GTC Check out my new Modern deck I'm working on
*Simic Planeswalker,not sonic landslide F*** You Autocorrect!
Just checked the ruling on Menace, if a creature would ETB with +1/+1 counters is DOES get the affect and enters with twice that number of +1/+1 counters instead.
Decent cards,but this is meant to be more of an aggro- midrange deck. Stranglerootroot Geist is an awesome two drop, 2- power,haste, and undying. Creates as much card advantage as Visionary. Restoration Angel doesn't have any good targets in this deck(unless I added the Armada Wurms). Sigarda' s hexproof is really important here, and she is cheaper than the Wurm. Armada Wurm is open to removal and can be killed by Thragtusk, You rarely see flyers as big as Sigarda, and she can only be removed by Verdict or Terminus. Its bad to have too many Pilgrims and Arbor Elves, they can help you early but drawing too many can really hurt you. The charms are great here, I can instantly make a creature to soulbond if needed, combat trick, or removal on a big threat. Mostly I just can't see how you would take all 4 copies of Strangelroot Geist out of a green- based aggro deck.
I love Simic, and would be happy to see anything you came up with, but I'm really only interested in standard. Check out some of my other Simic decks, I' 've built several to try to figure out the best way to play sonic in standard. I think I'm just gonna have to wait for Gatecrash. Too bad the sonic landslide isn't in it though, instead it's Domri and Gideon.
I feel like you need some searing spear or pillar of flame, plus some counterspells
Personally I would just make it standard legal
Love, simic, my favorite guild, can't wait til affecting. I' 've tried like 5 simic decks for current standard, but non have been very competitive.
maybe, but this was easy way to see people's ideas.
3rd Sigarda comes in from side against removal-heavy decks. Silverheart wins faster against other stuff(plus double Sigarda sucks). I could see the 3/3 split, but i like the 2/4 better.
Thats half the reason for Militants, the other is control decks using flashback. Best example is Think Twice, Militants turns it into a 2-mana wasted card. 2 power for 1 mana is nothing to complain about either, Militants really has no downsides, I dont understand why so many people think its bad
I still dont understand what you are talking about.
You wait to play Somberwald Sage until AFTER you play Silverheart?(the most expensive creature in deck). Once you have the mana to play a Silverheart, you don't really need the Sage, except to play multiple creatures a turn(which leaves you exposed to a board wipe) Somberwald Sage played after you have the mana for the top of your curve is pretty pointless. What are you talking about playing Sage after Silverheart helps against board wipes? The only reason for Sage after 5 mana is to play multiple creatures per turn, which is setting you up even worse for board wipes.
Are you sure that that is the official ruling? After all, to ETB with the counter, the counter still had to be placed, and Menace doesn't specify that it has to occur on the battlefield(though that is assumed). I will admit that I don't know for sure, I've only played with this deck on Cockatrice and with friends(using proxies for Messenger and shocks) If I ever think about building this for FNM, I will certainly make sure before I spend any money.
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