No worries ;)
You need nomads en-kor! The ability works perfectly with the main man's!
Good call with the pinions, cause flying will tear up a zombie deck if you don't splash blue. I always liked the idea of Stromgald crusader though, the only proper black zombie that has flying (well, sort of). GFTT in the sideboard makes sense, and yeah, a Mikaeus or a grave Titan would finish the whole deck off; take an endless ranks of the dead out or something, you don't need two of those. Or perhaps lash writhe. Excellent card but doesn't really fit the theme. I'm sure you must have another deck that would fit right into. ;)
Fair enough. So long as you know it works...
I agree. I can see why you've only got one creature, and the totems help to make up for that, but what's with the scroll? Plus you're gonna need more board removal than just the zeniths and the verdicts if you really are gonna keep your creature count so low. How about a set of damnations? They should do the trick. Plus if they do manage to get creatures out somehow (i.e. graveborn), you're gonna want that spirit, or a totem out fast. Maybe chuck in a few tutors of some kind to ensure you get what you want. Good use of smallpox by the way though, works perfectly in this deck. ;)
Tragic slip needs black mana. And if you want more +1/+1 just copy a lord. Simple.
Oh ok fair. No need to worry about blocks then anymore I guess...
Oh ok, there's gatekeeper. Good call, my bad.
Hey, sorry to be an ass but vendikar isn't standard since like September. And don't know what happened to gatekeeper or pawn of ulamog, but I prefer gatekeeper.
Little bit unfocused for my liking. Is it a counter deck, is it mill, or what? Play test it a few times, see what works, then narrow down the scope of what you're trying to do here I reckon!
No faeries?
Plus it's handy to have counter spells post evac like I mentioned earlier!
Yeah he's right.mi forgot to mention krovikan. Once hex proofed it's virtually unstoppable. No worries about the advice, I liked the deck and have wanted to make one myself for a while. The reason I never did is coz of all the problems we've been discussing. I ordered a playset of dragons and dropped them into another deck and they just got pinged straight away every time so I gave up on the whole deck in the end. It sucks about the countering thing I know, but keep the mana leaks in there just for good measure. ;)
Oh, just noticed. Turn aside's got the same problem. Even though the spell never resolves your creature was still targeted. Sorry to keep busting your balls but that's the way it is i'm afraid...
And it's not like these illusions were ever short on power and toughness for their casting costs anyway!
What about a simple classic like evacuation? That would put the board back to square one and save you a bunch of creatures in the process. I like to wait until they have more then seven creatures out then do it on my turn so they have to discard some. Plus these illusions being so cheap to cast gives you a real card advantage after evacuation's resolved. If you do go down this route I'd probably ditch the shield mates as you have quite a lot of 4 drops but no 5 drops. Plus as you said, she's only there to guard the lords but you only really need one out for the hex proof and can get the extra power and toughness from the automatons.
I assume you have redirect in there for creature pretection? I'm not sure if that combo work's out because the creature was still targeted before you changed targets, so sac it you must! I find the best way to keep these kind of illusions in olay is with curfew. I've checked the ruling and you never actually target your own creature, plus you get to boomerang one of their uglies back to hand as well (then counter it lol) ;)
*liliana. Sorry, it autocorrected.
Talking of liliana's, why don't you chuck one in? Or are you on a budget?
Black sun's zenith anyone?
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