we are thinking about moving pulse to the board and puting thoughtseize main deckalso as far as the cost goes, we have played magic for 11 years and our collection is quite extensive.
very nice i appluade you
i agree with hark, it also lacks the cheep control that is usualy part of vintage. in vintage the main objective is to win but more so to keep your opponent from winning before you get to play your combos.
the reason i care about legality is because its there for a purpose. one excelent example of that is a deck i titled no turn kill. its on the forums (theres a link in the botom right-hand corner). and no its not legal even in vintage becuase of the skull clamps which i belive are legal in all play formats.
um i belive skull clamps are illegal
mark of evection keeps powerful creatures off the board, if i need to ill block with the infiltrator,but other creaatures can block as well.
ib halfheart isnt currently type two legal all of this is.
normaly i would have more mana excell but my objective is to turn 1 have a figure on the field, turn 2 put in a druid,turn 3 play a cliff-runner and swing.
this is from guilds, not new in case you didnt notice and ts not suposed to attack the opponent its suposed to deck them.
where is the deck. well i guesse without cards it realy is quick kill because you lose right away
need more cards, add some mana excel, maybe add fire stoker
please look at my deck goblin bomb
maybe side board in furnace of rath great for a burn deck that takes more than 4 turns to win.
i changed it just a little hopfuly a little faster now. btw, this deck was up before the site crash and so might be missing some of the new cards also i played this deck over a year ago so it is no longer tournament quality
um it doesnt have 60 cards.
yes but it is also an all out attack deck so once i drop a goblin assult and furnace of rath it is prety much game over but if not, then on turn six i drop seige gang commander and sack every thing i got or maybe attack and sac so yes it can win turn 5 but turn 5 is also the turn i usualy take control.
you could side board furnace of rath doubles dammage you deal to anything opponent and their creatures.
wow theres a lot of comments on this deck.
oh and please rate my decks.
a thing to consider though i offer no solution is that naya may be a threat beacuse they just keep on going, my naya deck steam rolled a deck simmilar to this one without much effort. and late game wrath of god has no effect due to spearbreaker behemoths ability. just think about it and if you find a solution please tell me.
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