another big deck solution is a golgaria deck with big dredgers in it so that you dont run out of cards so for that deck i would recomend 250+ cards
oh and can you look at my decks especaily my dimir deck i love dimir
i dont know sliver decks i'll ask my friend to review it (he has a sliver deck that me and my group of freinds forbid him to use because its so good) but wats with the urzas arrmor
oh and that means the top 50 cards of your libary bang into your graveyard in 1 turn :P
lol, thxs also that means that panoptic mirror is used 5 times each turn
yo sparky, try adding howling mine and paradox haze or try Kami of the Crescent Moon they both let you draw more cards the usual even more so when combined with paradox haze. howling mine : Kami of the Crescent Moon :
i have found that puting lys alana huntmaster in this deck just takes up space and other cards could go there that have much better ablities
the jagged scar archers are for there star-star coupled with a lot of elf tokens and imaculate magistrate add strength in numbers and u have somtin like a 200/200 trample flying at your oponent (Duh)
personaly i would add a panoptic mirror for your various infinit needs if u dont know wat it does look it up (good card)
pls look at my deck im thinking about going tournement with this deck (elvish destruction) §
I also made arcbound posion §
check out mine to named elvish destruction §
by the way pls rate my deck 1-10 and list improvements
yo, sparky check out mine its awsome you will like it "elvish destruction" §
my elf deck is way better check it out its called "elvish destruction"
61-76 of 76 items