why is this here???? is any one here. (voice echos back)
please rate my decks, if not that then please comment on my decks, now if your realy lazy ill settle if you just look at my decks.
go gary.!!!!! woot woot
ok so what happens when this deck faces of against 5 color cruel control. or even traumatize. a well put together control deck would tear this appart. sugestion: warp world
i have 1 card that will put this deck out of its misery, pyroclasm or if you prefer firespout i have that too.
or 2 imperials
you dont need 2 rafiqs
i agree cuting down cards until you have a set that each provide a win condition for you. be sure to fill the gaps after.
thank you : )
look at elvish bang for a fun one.
what happens if you face a counter deck, do you still have a win condition?
wheres the rest of the deck?
you need 60 cards man...
oh and add some filter lands
add cradle of vitality to it for creature pumping madness
maybe to satisfy all you should build a side board and youll probobly recieve less complaints. for the side board: megrim blightning underworld dreams to change it up a litle maybe: murderus red-cap
this site isnt made so that you can take a deck that most people are farmiliar with and call it your own. its for posting new decks with origonal idea's so try and be creative as im pretty sure anyone who has been to fnm has seen this deck before. plus wwkithkin is better.
i have tested this deck w/ torch runners and its better this way. oh and btw this deck usualy winns on turn 5.
mtglord pls comment
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