Yeah in my deck I keep just 2 in the sideboard. But I'm running a pure aggro deck yours looks like a cross between aggro and midrange.
20 lands isn't enough for a deck running 4 blood barons. I'd recommend dropping them as 2 in the side board then adding mutavaults to boost your land to 22, plus add another thoughtseize and at least 2 hero's downfall. Drop a desecration demon for them. That's assuming your still trying to make an orzhov weenies deck.
Looks to me like the angel is your only bomb, take it out and your running a white weenies (aggro) list. I suppose this as close to midrange as you can get with just white though.
It's not really midrange either
Add Jarad the lich lord, I think that's his name gb mythic from Ravnica.
You need to drop the black, it's not in your loop and your only running 4 black sources. 22 lands in a four color deck just doesn't seem like enough. I'd play Sylvain caratid over the drum and drop phenax if you want a secondary mill win use jace.
Alright I stand corrected on the master and guildmage. As for the side board do some play testing with something friends and see what works.
Alright before the sideboard master of cruelties won't work with the guildmage, he changes the life total the guildmage requires it to be lost most people use burn. But onto the sideboard I'm going to assume the local meta is playing the top 8:2 bile blight - for the aggro decks, mono blue and pack rat2 mizzium mortar - only card besides devour flesh that can hit Blood baron, plus its great removal2 slaughter games - for the control matchup or any deck that has something you dont feel like dealing with1 charm - control if they're tapped out with some bombs in the graveyard this can get rid of them before they elixir them back1 pithing needle - planeswalkers and mutavaults2 burning earth - use at your own risk 3 thoughtseize or duress if you dont have them - mainly control but good against most decks 2 doom blades - cheap removal2 dark betrayal - great against black decks
Well I'll start with the actual deck. I'd start with switching the rakdos for more desecration demons, I'd probably drop the guildmage too. Then drop the burning earth your playing non basics, havoc festival and sinister possession. Add more: hero's downfall and thoughtseize. We cant help with the sideboard if the deck isn't finished.
Let us know how the deck does. I'd like to know how it plays out. My version uses more red than white so I run stormbreath over Brimaz. On that note I'd recommend Aurelia instead of one of your Brimaz.
I'd recommend the charms to regenerate corpsejack or its just going to die to removal. And please drop those tutors they're horrible.
On that note whats tajic doing there run another obzedat or blood baron. Where's mizzium mortar? And I just can't get behind the 3 merciless evictions or the 4 fated cards. Lastly cut it down to 60.
The jitte should be in the deck not the sideboard replace it with the war and peace. The jitte is going to be your go to card most of the time.
Where are your gods willing or brave the elements? I'd also look into pacifism if it's legal you need some removal.
My recommendations would be: plus one precinct captain, plus two Brimaz, . Drop favored hoplite, heliod, hopeful eidolon, nykthos. Switch the feindslayers with the banished priests put the spears in the main deck. I think the only thing I'd Chaeng with the old list would be the countless battles Brimaz and spirit of the labyrinth.
I second this, and add the mill jace. Drop the guardians and phantoms also maybe one of the guild mages, one of the aberrations and one of the colossus. That would be eleven spots two for Jace then counter and removal with the oth other nine. Almost forgot breaking // entering.
On that note I'd drop merciless eviction for a second elspeth and move the blind obidance to the side board to make room for the downfalls. Lastly debt to the deathless is a one there's no need for two throw a bile blight or drown in sorrow in its place depending on your local meta.
Your devotion is 2 for underworld 1 for each pack rat even copys 2 desecration demon and 2 obzedat plus 1 blood baron so ideally he would hit for 6+ with his 2. I'd run elspeth over ratchet bomb you already have plenty of removal. But play test it a few times and see what work for the local meta.
Your never going to get the badger that high. All your permanents have small devotion along with just being small. its going to take all your protection spells just to keep your stuff alive as I throw all my spells your way. Control will just counter every thing, midrange runs more removal than you have protection, and aggro will probably out race you. I'm sorry BU the badger is cute but won't win you the game.
I like where this is going but I'd probably drop the 2 ratchet bombs for 1 gray merchant putting you at 60. Maybe throw them into the side board after some play testing if you've got some dead cards.
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