Duress and thoughtseize fit better in this deck.
So I'm assuming you dont have the mutavaults because they belong in this deck.
Scavenging ooze recks the deck and there's ashiok and rest in peace.
No Sylvain caratids? If you got those you could go with 20 lands. Second question where are the charms, you really need it to keep your mana dorks alive during a board wipe. Have you thought about the new spider, I haven't play tested with it yet but I think it's going to be a nice addition.
Each copy adds to your devotion and they get big if not taken care of, plus mutavaults beef them up too.
I've been playing it for over a month and it's a little less powerful now. But that's because a few other poeple started playing it so it been getting some sideboard hate.
So your basically running the BG devotion list. My first recommendation would be to drop the Sylvain caratid, I don't see anything that you really need to ramp into. Go with the pack rat plan like the devotion lists instead. 3 whips seems like to much you never want to see two of them enless the first gets hit. I'd up the lifebane zombie by one and go two whips.As for the side board mist cutter won't be nearly as good now that banishing light is out, but they might only run two so it could still work its to early to tell. As for master of the feast replace him he's not a sideboard card if anything he gets sided out against decks. I'd probally run two of devour flesh for the blood baron match up and maybe some dark betrayal for the mirror.
Add 3 more temples and 2-4 mana confluxes. Banisher priest and light
So if some one uses a counter, banishing light, detention sphere, deicide on Atheros you just lose. As for hard casting your demons with only twenty lands you'll be lucky to hit 5 mana before turn 7 (the only reason the deck I'm running right now can play twenty lands is the 8 mana dorks and 8 fetch spells) and most decks will have killed you or will be to well set up for you to turn the game around. I'd recommend you proxy the deck out and play test it before you drop money into it.
What's your strategy when you don't hit 6 apostles? Seeing as there's cards like bile Blight and drown in sorrow and a plethora of other spells to deal with your strategy being played, your going to need something else. I've yet to see this deck work its been brought to the shop for FNM a few times and always fizzles.
20 lands with no mana dorks just won't work consistently. On another note where's the abrupt decays and overgrown tombs? I guess my last question is how is this aggro? I see 16 creatures one's a 4 drop and another is best used as a 5 drop aura.
So your going to make a bunch of mana, whY do you do with it then? I don't see a win condition. Plus your deck is BUG not golgari and simic.
I'd recommend replacing the one drops with boros elite and soldier of the pantheon. Then probably drop fabled hero for precinct captain and switch the martial law with either blind obidance or imposing sovereign. Lastly like some other people said brave the elements belongs in these decks, silence is fun but won't win the game nearly as much. Almost forgot mutavaults would be great if you had them.
I'd stick with Herald of torment. I can't see master of the feast working out in your advantage outside of aggro decks. On another note high priest of penance should be replaced too, there's to much removal that doesn't deal damage.
This deck looks nothing like death and taxes, you have no way to control there mana.
I can't see this deck working without loleth troll. I've been playing this deck for a few weeks and if you can bestow nighthowler or Herald on him you usually win.
Drop the white, just use the unravel the ether to shuffle enchantment back so it'll hit gods too. If you wanna go reanimater dont use the side board for it.
I my only recommendation would be to scrap the deck. I've played against it a few times at FNM and its never faired well. Aggro decks apply to much pressure so your apostles are just blockers, control will just counter the servitude or bounce the demon and mid range will have the spells to deal with the apostles and have more relevant creatures (a blood baron hitting the field just wins the game).
What do yo do against a deck running bile blight and drown in sorrow other than lose?
If you don't have them I wouldn't buy the mutavaults enless you decide you really need them. As for the thoughtseize they're helpful but it comes down to how much you want to spend I got lucky and got my play sets when they came out so the deck was built with stuff I had.
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