I would use fewer 'copy' effects, since you really don't have much to copy as of right now. I count 12 copy effects and only 6 cards worth copying -- assuming you're planning on dumping all of your mana into banefire, of course. I would say you could afford dropping the Reverberates, Wild Ricochets, and Twincasts entirely. Instead, use more cards that are good on their own, since those 3 are entirely useless unless your opponent casts something good (which is hit or miss) or you manage to draw a Bolt or Unsummon and have the extra mana laying around to copy it. Instead, I would run cards that are awesome copied with Echo Mage, or cards that are just good in general. Time Warp is AWESOME with Echo Mage. 3 free turns? Sure! Searing Blaze can be good, too; burn away all your opponent's creatures while hitting them for a good chunk of damage at the same time. It's a good concept, just needs a little work. Copying spells works best when you have plenty of things to copy!
I would suggest Mimic Vats. Allies eat removal for breakfast, and Mimic Vat very nicely helps you ignore any huge amount of disruption that might cause.
Another possibility would be to run 1 Everflowing Chalice and 4 Trinket Mages.
I would think about focusing on just two colors, without the alara tri lands (or any sort of dual lands, either) i'm kind of incredulous that 3 color allies could work in standard. Green and White seem to be your stronger colors, Battlesinger is alright and the Warlord is pretty good, though in my experience, unnecessary. One Kazandu Blademaster, made big enough on its own, can be enough offense to win you games. Instead, I would focus on more protection for your own creatures and removal for theirs. Asceticism could be excellent, especially since most decks have almost no way to deal with it, at least before sideboarding. Also I would try and get more Mimic Vats. They make allies STUPID AWESOME.
Either add more Prismatic Omens, or more ways to search for the one you have out of your deck. Without that out, I don't really see how this deck can succeed.
Or just add Pariah's Shield, same effect with no White mana required.
Just because it could be awesome here, Deaths' Shadow? A 12/12 for 1 mana!
Should be running some 'Boseiju, Who Shelters All' Means that YOU and you alone will still be able to cast spells! If that's not a huge advantage, I don't know what is.
I hate decks like this, where it's just "he who has the biggest wallet wins." It ruins the game for the bulk of us. I mean, sure, I COULD go out and buy a second playset of the Imp, but then what should I tell me starving children, wife, dog, and orphanage? No food for the month? Makes me sick.
Instead of Giant Growth run Vines of Vastwood, that instant speed protection can make or break a game. Also, perhaps run 2 Holy Days and 2 Fogs? Just so you aren't always relying on the same color of mana and potentially coming up short.
Your mana balance seems off. Seems like you're mostly relying on green to ramp out, so you really shouldn't have equal amounts of each color of mana. Right now, with only 3 forests and the 4 ziggurats, you have around a 50-50 chance of even being able to play a first turn BoP that you might draw in your opening hand. I feel like 7 forests and 2 of each other basic land would help you much more. That gives you closer to a 75% chance.
The card you're looking for is Thrumming Stone.
Why use Disperse when Into the Roil is the same, but better?
With that huge an amount of singletons, Fauna Shaman seems just about necessary. Not sure what I would take out for them, but having 4 would make this deck go from 'meh' to 'whoa.' Also, swap out the 4x Silhana Starfletchers with 4x Elvish Harbringers. They will do the same as above, and make this downright deadly.
too many slagstorms, 5 total in deck and sideboard. Other than that, love the concept. Kudos for originality.
Join the Ranks. Also, Ajani is insanely good in white proliferate decks. Just look at his second ability.
Though maybe Devoted Druid, since it's a really easy way to get that initial -1/-1 counter out there, while pumping out mana at the same time?
This is AWESOME. I love decks that take 'meh' cards and make a winning combo out of it!
Why not......White Knight? For a Knight deck, you're awfully light on creatures... What I would do: -4 Silence (what is this for?) -2 Divine Offering (sideboard this instead) -3 Armored Ascension (meh, too susceptible to removal) -4 Plains (you'll see why shortly) +3 White Knight (First Strike + Battle Cry dudes = awesome! pro black is an added bonus) +3 Leonin Skyhunters (a knight with Flying! at common!) +3 Student of Warfare (first turn play, dump mana into it later) +4 Tectonic Edge (EVIL with Sun Titan)
I feel like Distortion Strike would be excellent as a finisher, considering that your Psychosis Crawler will easily be big enough to kill your opponent in two hits, maybe even in one hit, so long as it doesn't get chump blocked. Well, no need to worry about that with Distortion Strike! And just because it's in color, consider that combo of Tangle Angler and Infiltration Lens. You draw cards for the Lens for EACH creature that you block with the equipped creature, which means with Tangle Angler you can potential draw a boatload of cards for only a few green mana!
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