You should add Flayer of The Hatebound... Now all of your undying creatures deal damage when they return to the battle field... and maybe some undying evils for you hexing devil... turn two have a swamp and a mountain,,, play hexing devil they may have you sack it, give it undying till end, of turn now they have to do it again... or if you do it late game with Flayer... it starts adding up really fast... It works in my undying/hexparasite deck... in real life not on the website
Some legendary Eldrazis... so if u discard them you will shuffle your graveyard back into you library just in case... and there is a white card cant remember the name of it but you get a 1/1 flying pegasus for each life you have... invincible hymn then that and you have over two hundred 1/1 flyers
heres what i did with my landfall deck\
cool... thats just about the same as mine.... how many followers do u have
Sweet ideas... doubt it would stomp my deck because mine is faster, not saying it couldnt beat mine but seems like it would be a good game... thanks for the new ideas though
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