Yeah I know shard volley is to creature or player but the cost of r and sacrificing a land hurts, and you shouldnt concern yourself with controlling the board as hard with things like blasphemous act because you should be the one putting on pressure and making them respond to you. Not so much the other way around.
too much creature removal. If you spend all your cards killing dudes then youll run out of gas to hit face.-4 faithless looting-4 blasphemous act-4 blazing salvo-4 lightning axe-4 shard volley(for sure)+4 monestary swiftspear+4 flame rift+2-3 fireblast(for sure)+4 keldon maraders(probably)other stuff you could get,ball lightning, hellspark elemental, brimbstone volley, or you could even stretch for shock, pillar of flame, or magma jet.also you could use 1-2 barbarian rings, maybe teetering peaks if you want to go the dude bolt route.and up lands to 18-19
popped tamale im sweating
Hey like the deck... most lists run 1 CS instead of 2 and 3 snaps seems unnecessary .... but I feel thar would disrupt the counterbalance curve too much... so cutting a ponder and snap seems good... or you could go - cs - snap - ponder + rip... have you thought about rip in the main? It kills B/G/x decks as well as rug... but I don't know if they are big in your meta... or if this is actually a construed deck... also there is no reason to run windswept when you are at 3 strand because it fetches either basic... but good build though
Lolololol strange asshole lololololol ok Aight I see how it is... looks like I'm not buying you food after fnm this week then :p ... no I'm not being unbiased 'cuz my friend got a bad review... this is my list that I am currently playing so I know how it works... furthermore just because you attend fnms or gps doesn't mean anything heck this time last year trollking did worse than me at a gp :p ... but the reason I said you don't understand the format is because you made quite inaccurate statements about 2 decks I commented on today... and I looked at your list you put up and it almost seemed like a real deck but nerfed because of bad cards in the main and side
The only thing I would change would be-2/3 magma jet+ anger of the godsBut again the mana curve is fine and also the land count is fine there is no early good cantrip spells in standard at the moment due to think twice rotating... by having 3 different win cons slaughter games gets worse and you can side into another win con against control with mill Jace with both control decks doing their thing the board should grind to a hault and mill ten becomes a very real threat because they are most likely running shpinxs and Jace and usually mill Jace would be dropped fairly late so it might take 3-4 turns to win via mill which is very good against control...And at this point I'm fairly sure you do not know how the format works as well as the meta game so it would be beneficiary to all parties involved if you didn't critique something you don't understand...
There is zero reason to run quicken, and more than 2- 3 thoughtsieze is usually unnecessary and can kill you especially if you are playing aggro, I could see cutting a land but the land count and the mana curve are not bad at all, and overall this is a very strong deck
Ok ill swords abolisher on my turn or termius, or unsummon him with jace then counter it again when he try to cast it so im not to worried about it.
I dont plan on using jace's big ability free brainstorms and unsummons are really good and I plan on beating people to death with 3-4 angels and when they try to cry Im gonna cancel it hahaha
Those really arent necessary the deck drags the game out so long that temporal mastery really isnt needed because those 7 will win the game but thanks though
It should be fixed now sorry about that
This storm deck works for sure because I have played it I havent actually played this one yet but it should work. The reason you dont want multiple is because flipping multiple off of ad nauseam is really really bad and also you are effectively running 5 because you have 4 infernal tutuor or you might find it off of ad nauseam; but like a hand might go like thisturn 1: land, mox diamond, lions eye diamond, cast gitaxian probe for free, cast dark ritual off of the land, then cast infernal tutor off of the 3 floating mana; you have no hand left so you search for anything ad nauseam is the best. cast ad nauseam, lets say you flip 20 cards but didnt flip tendrils so you cast everything you can that doesnt kill you get your storm count as high as possible (number of spells cast a turn) then you can cast infernal tutor tap sac lions eye diamond for mana now you have no hand so you get to search for anything specific which would be tendrils and cast tendrils and you copy it for each spell cast and you might have a 16 storm count so you hit them for 32 and gain 32 turn one.
Its cool man
Hahahahaha ninjastyle definitely gets a like
It makes it more consistent and more resilient
Exactly; the best color to name is blue because you can blow up 6 blue permanents.
This is a combo deck; and in order to win you have to cast tendrils of agony and tendrils has storm which means it copys itself for each spell cast this turn. So you end up casting 9 spells then cast tendrils for the 10th spell of the turn and deal 20 damage to them.
Damnation for more board wipe... possibly... I like It though...
Tarmogoyh is a great card if your willing to drop some money into it... And you are gonna want other bad A awesome creatures... cause thats just how zoo rolls... big awesome stuff... I like it though maybe less fetch lands and some more dual lands...
Hahaha... Thats awesome bro... would you mind looking at my standard grixis and give me some pointers cause its almost there but not quite... thx...
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