Id go control... and get more playsets for consistency...
More playsets and closer to 60 for more consistency
how long have you had a Jund deck bro... but anyways... I would make room for tragic slip... and maybe searing spear and mizzuim mortars... for some more powerful board control to allow your lil sons of guns to get through... worst case scenario your drive stalls overload mizzium mortars to reset their field... Hey could you look at my standard Izzet thanks...
Your gonna wanna make it as cheap as possible... in mine no noncreature spell costs more than one color and a colorless... bc your electromancer will make it cost one colored mana... I use playsets of searing spears, mizzium mortars, essence scatter, negate, unsummon... and divination... cause two cards for two mana is pretty BA... I dont like that Nivmagus elemental because im not a fan of not letting my own spell resolve... I also use a playset of Talarand the skysummonor... for late game air domination... blistercoil weirds cause those lil guys are pretty awesome... I took out my thundermaw... just to lower the mana curve and ive sideboarded the guttersnipes... because I found myself holding my spells inhand inorder to play guttersnipe to get that free two damage... Hope I helped with your deck
Also the intagable virtue... Ps screw you and your timely reinforcements... every freakin time you activate both abilities on me... hahaha
Love the name dude...
pretty cool man... i would suggets some small creatures... like a blood artist or a pusle tracker just to stay ahead early
A dark ritual wouldnt hurt
Scars is not standard legal anymore sorry dude... still extended legal
Clarion Ultimatum... Is a good card... idk how much it costs though... would you help me out with my deck thanks man...
I love wither man... would you help me with my deck and tell me what it needs your looks fine maybe some more doom blades but thats all I can think of... any help me out it would be much appreciated thanks..
Other world atlas... and would you take a look at my deck and help me out with it cause it still needs something thanks...
Cool... would you take a look at my deck and tell me what it needs thanks...
you should add hellrider cause its awsome... would you take a look at my deck and tell me what it needs thanks...
Cool I would help you out... but im not exactly familiar with flip goblin cards... goblin war strike is a cool card... and empty the warrens is another cool card... but they arent flip cards... would you take a look at my deck and help me out with it thanks man...
Golems are expensive... so I would suggest mana acceleration like cultivates and explosive vegetation... would you take a look at my deck leave a comment and tell me what it needs thanks...
Mutagenic growth would help make the infection occur faster... would you help me with my deck I still need help with it thanks man appreciate it...
Damnation for a field wipe spell when nothings going your way... and how about duress to make them discard some big things... would you take a look at my deck and help me out with it thanks...
Go for the throat for those times when you dont have the mana to cancel them... would you take a look at my deck leave a comment and help me with it thanks...
You could add some Armadillo Cloaks which will help pump your creatures up... would you take a look at my deck and leave a comment and help make it better thanks...
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