Ok I like the Idea your going for here but I don't see consistant win with this deck so here is how I would polish it up if you really want to run test subject you need some ramp like farseek or borderland ranger because otherwise he cripples and slows your deck down way to much also I think you need more utility damage try some Geralfs messenger in there and maybe an outlet to sac creatures.
I really do like that idea perhaps I will try 1-2 of him somewhere in the deck it is pretty genious and you may have given me a new idea for a deck all together seriously thank you!
its ok man I don't care about sacing my own guys I use Conscripts to take control of your creature and then after I smash you with it I sac it to my bloodthrone though I am not wild over her she serves a purpous.
I like it but where is Mind rot? very good overall though I would build it if you could please check out my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=403068
I like the deck I would get rid of deathbridge and put something like gravecrawler in there. if you could check out my deck thanks! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=403068
first off I love this deck second kudos to you this deck is worth more than the available cash in my bank account lol if you could please check out my deck oh mighty deck builder of awesomeness! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=403068
hey check out my deck!!! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=403068
LOL!!! Roll face I love deck It's all like you mad bro fight me in real life do you even lift? Love Love Love it!!!!!! can you help outy my vampires see what I could use if you get a chance http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=403068
I like the deck it seems to pump up the life gain quite a bit have you considered Rhox faithmender? If you get a chance chet out my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=403068
thank you very much and I think I will 100 percent load up the sideboard with all those good toys.
I really thought about brimstone but I also don't want to loose creature power I am not a fan of bloodthrone but BLK is pretty good to run 1 he can bump me right over the top but I am gonna try three brimstones thanks for the input
I agree with everyone adding kill really shapes this deck up I love that addition of GFT to the deck one of my favorite card ever. really enjoyed this deck if you could please check mne out http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=403068
Thanks WAR I like the feed back but I can't cut on Nocturnus he wins games and Shadow I do like blademaster but he messes my ratio but I will give him a try thanks for the input!
I cannont express in enough words how much I love this deck I mean really love it Congrats! I would appreciate if you could take a look at my vampire deck thanks . http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=403068
I like it I just feel blood artist dose not have a home here It has good flow without a card like him unless you were to play falkenrath aristocrat and some sac power than I would say BA has a real good home than but overall real good
Thank you for your input I greatly appreciate it and I had origanally thought about oliva but she slows me down and makes my overall game slower and to control oriented. I also have never been a fan of curse of the stalked prey but thank you for the feedback.
I Can't say anything not already said this deck is amazing and has inspiried me to once again think outside of the box thank you. Hey if you get a chance check out my Vampires http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=403068
I really like this deck but I do agree with some of the earlier posts it needs more outlet for token production or possibly if you want splash in some green and play Parallel lives. I feel growing ranks comes out a little to late game for the way this deck plays. I think some ramp would help you get over that hump and get the cards you need a little earlier letting you become a late game threat. Overall I love your deck very well thought out plus I love that you ping the opponent for damage all the time. Hey If you could check out my deck and give some feed back if you can. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=403068
First off I feel a great sense of pride for my dear friend who has just gotten his first ever MTG deck that he built or played and is still playing to the top liked decks on one of the best MTG websites. I also would like to say how much I can tend to hate playing against this decks I have given him a few suggestions here and there and am still kicking myself for them. It is fun when we have down time at work to play or on our free time in general but I would love to see this thing mash up some FNM. Congrats buddy!!!!
ummm Myr Battleshpere??????
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