thank you I commented on your deck as well
thanks but my deck is standard for FNM but I like him for casual
I love Llanowar elves and just the overall ramp smash face you got going on
It is prolly the best composition of Golgari yet though I would build more tword the mid range life steal things like blood artist coupled with killing wave and perhaps adding in gravecrawler I like it overall
Thanks Nicol good suggestion if I can get my hands on some I will play test it I might proxy test it in house and see how it runs
wow that was very constructive and helpful I am sure you get a ton of people commenting on your decks jetts and I will say this to Snyda I like it but I am a little rusty when trying to blend vintage cards and standard but looks like it may play out well I would say run it against a buddy see how it fairs I mean you got Rancor so it has to be good lol
I like it KJ I think you need to ensure witch in your hand might want to try Jarad's orders
I like the deck not sure how I feel about Stalked Prey I think you don't need it if anything it slows you down and unnecessarily makes you a tri colored deck I do like someones earlier suggestion of fling though that would make you a solid tri color and a much better card than stalked prey
will do thanks for the comment
Thank you I makes me feel like all the hard work and suggestions everyone gave me has paid off I am glad you like the deck.
I had just added him I thought he would be a refreshing update to the deck
What a great ramp deck love it check outy my vampires
Might want to try some fog banks and or Wild Defiance oh also more pump spell like join assault perhaps check out my vampires
also check out my deck
I like it alot there are two things that confuse me and if you could please respond back to clarify why knight of Infamy and Lillana of the Veil?
I like the deck other than Regent and Artisit not enough sac and no ramp you want your oppenent dead by turn six turst me speed is your friend check out my vampire deck
I really like Mizzium I may play test it and see how it feels thanks for the suggestion and I am keeping duress sideboarded
Thank you for you input and yes I am making edits now as we speak and Conscript is coming out of the deck
Ok I like this deck but I would drop thought scour and stalker for snapcaster and cancel and or index
I like it other than the fact your deck is misleading you say it is a blue deck when in fact it is a black deck you may want to change that also check out my vampire deck
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