Hmmm true so it is banned in EDH every list I looked at didn't say anything about it
Well Bargin is like Necropotence no? and why are we not best friends I fucking love you man I should keep you on deck building speed dial lol
P.S. thank you for all your help on all my decks and I love love love beacon of unrest
Thank you for the comment and input I agree both dread slaver and flayed nim are not good for the deck but I like stromgald because I can mana dump onto him plus make him flying so if got 17 land to use I can make him an 9/9 flyer I also agree not a fan of Exhume I am gonna try some new stuff thank you for all your input again
I love the sideboard and great cconcept with deadly allure and yes when you get the shocklands they are so worth it
good point and it did cross my mind but they are only there to proc cop and or sublime it's not really a token deck more aggro than anything but I was thinking the same thing
yeah it's a good idea but I love mono white Might try gather thanks
SO confused you spelt control wrong and than who is your commander?
I kinda really love this deck perhaps Ghast slows you down since you don't really need his ramp perhaps Night Veil Specter?
No Consuming Aberration?
Thanks I dropped him I think stalker with binding will get throug more oftenand as stated erlier I would love to fit in spectral flight as well
Skymark or dungeoun I am really trying to fit in spectral flight for saint traft idk where to cut though
It's good and cheap just have to play test it. Oh and Shocklands trigger woodland because they conut as a swamp and forest you can also fetch for them might wanna splash them in.
this is to ayden214- well then your not really an advid player I mean most of those cards are in people's afforadle wheel house I mean if you spend 12$ a month and buy 3 packs or play in a draft one a month you will easily collect most if not all these cards take away the duel lands and the deck is like 40$ which I am sorry is still out of your range
don't like it nearly as much as when you suggested using the undying mechanic rapid Hybridization becomes a useless card sorry but it's ok but not as cool as what we spoke about on the phone.
very nice RED deck Wins!!!!
thank it is for a close friend of mine she just recently got back into the gam.
This deck makes me ROTFL so hard!!! I Love it. Totally my new favorite troll deck in standard I think they would ban you from FNM lol
I kina really like your deck but there is a few suggestions I have for you. I think spark trooper with silverblade Paladin is way to sick a combo not to have in the deck. Well actually Silverblade with any of these cards is way sick a combination and I also feel an enchantment like blind Obedience is just such a great set up card with all your haste creatures. That's all I got hope it helps.
This does not seem like an EHD deck at all where is your Commander???
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