Looks pretty good, but i would put the skullcrack on sideboard and throw in sulfuric vortex. it basically does the same thing but better.and i would probably drop the vexing devils all together, mostly because in legacy burn you really dont want to give your opponent an option for damage, you just want to keep nailing them with damage.
hmmmm. i know i will be shot for this. but i would switch the squadron hawks with onothopters. for one they cost zero and it will speed the deck up quiet a bit. my friend has this exact same deck and he fires of turn 1 very consistantly. another option you might want to put in is agentum armor, second turn they're done with that card.
sorry to burst your bubble... but this isnt an infinite combo, the text on the fiend hunter says another creature, meaning he can't target him self so the metamorph wouldn't be able to either. But on the brighter side if you use leonin Relic-Warder from the scars cycle you would have the infinite combo if that helps?
Nice Deck ! Just made this deck ! Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=366288
haha no it fine i completely understand. but i'm actually wanting to try and make a legacy voodoo type deck i would really like some input on once i get it up on the site. It's fine you don't want to but your input is always welcome (especially since i've just started doing legacy stuff).
commented =)
i would say change out the alluring siren and clones, for phyrexian metamorphs. maybe take out the angelic shield for sunblast angel. take out one claustrophobia and ghostly touch for 2 more sleeps? this looks like a really solid deck though good job!
maybe instead of liliana's caress put in so blood chief Ascension. once you get it online it would be game over. i would also try to fit in some font of mythos and hedren crabs
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=350159 Blue/Black Morbid Control Tell me what you think
Hey you should take a look at the Morbid Control, i made alot of changes to it.
all of the following cards you should take a look at because they would be good in this deck: goblin arsonist goblin grenade ember hauler burn at the stake battle hymn warren instigator raging goblin sensation gorger goblin cohort mogg warmarshal skirk prospector Ib halfheart gempalm incinerator reckless one and alot of the goblin cards from M13 would be cool in this deck too
you have alittle bit too much land in here. You highest legit mana cost is 3, i mean you might have chancellors in here but they are not ment to be played so i would probably cut down to maybe 18 lands but thats just me and that is my suggestion
you know even though the tidings is more mana i probably go with that. Because you get mana really fast in this deck and the alchemy you can only choose one
oh... hahahahahahaha clearly im an idiot sir. Good job on the deck then i didn't read spawnsire's ablitity
ummmmm this doesnt work ready training zone.
oh and your name should be BUG zombies, cause the blue is represented as a U, oh also i would take out some of the land for 2 grim back roads for a card draw engine.
i would take out 1 glissa, 1 captain, 2 endless ranks, and 1 army of the damned or zombie apocalypes for 6 forests, 4 islands, and 8 swamps, and your choice of none basic lands.
pretty good
I think this deck is pretty good it has good synergy as long as you get the doors but its still pretty good because of hellrider in my opinion. good job.
psh! blue. who plays with blue these days =P, haha jk. The original design did have blue in it but i decided against it because i was tired of blue white, and the cards i was going to put in just made it all sorts of weird when i was playing it.... but if you have some blue cards you would suggest i will take a look at them =)
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