why garruk he doesnt involve bears but thanks for the tips i might do that idk Overrun is my trampler and i know garruk is cool in all but i just dont think he really has a place in this deck but i think ill switch overrun with overwhelming stapede
derek? is this you?
Ya thats mainly why i decided to make this deck because all the creatures cost 2 so its quite easy to get most of them out. And i just play tested this deck and its Pretty awesome because my bears get quite big really fast!
if you dont mind me asking im kinda confused on how this "countertop combo" works i have never seen it before so im kinda curious
awesome deck especailly with the livewire lash combo you got going it looks awesome ive been wanting to making a infect deck kinda like this but instead of stabbing pain i would put some removal like doomblade or something but this looks good
That is true i didnt really realise how many red creatures you had. one other card you could add tho for as many sacing you want is Viscera Seer with reassembling skeleton you can scry all you want too
Quest for Pure Flame would completely unleash hell in this deck it would be so funny and the quest only costs one red so it fits in perfect!
Thats why i love decks like this because once they start-a-rolling theres just no stopping it haha =) i Actually played a deck like this and it just recked everyone it went up against
I would think Crypt of Agadeem would fit nicely in this deck that would you could pretty much play whatever you wanted after you got a bunch of creatures in the grave
Wow i was going to make a deck that basically the exact same as this except with out kokusho but i freaking love storm decks like this just because there so funny to pull off and watch everyones reaction but this is an awesome deck you have my like =D
WOW! that would wreck people you should do that haha but this is seriously good you should take a look at my bear deck i just built not to long along go http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=128617 if you have any more decks then just hit me up and ill give you my feed back
sure ill take a look thanks for commenting =)
I like this deck it seems like it flows really well the only thing i see you could add is just the orginal thallid Thank you for leaving feedback on my deck
Thats very ironic and awesome every time i get on here its sometime of perfume add 0.O
wow thanks i didnt even think of them when i was making this
Thank you for the comments everyone they really helped! if you see anything else that needs improvement dont be afraid to leave your feed back! =D
I love this theme probably because i love the movie but at any rate im not quite sure this deck could win but it would just be awesome to play knowing it was based off the movie haha
I think with the addition of the slagworm and the sun titan that perfect cause krosan drove you can get them out really cheap. and i agree with the leyline because it doesnt really help as much as the other things that you put in for it. I dont think i see anything else you can put in now this deck looks awesome! hope i could help and im sorry for terrible grammer haha.
That would be pretty awesome but ya mana ramp up help fyndhorn elves would be awesome for this deck. maybe put in some more big nastys to search for cause all your looking for at the moment is the wurmcoil and the sovereign
This is a nice solid deck once it gets rolling. i might advise some more mana ramp like maybe arbor elves or something but this deck looks good
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