I would take the dormant sliver because it gives you slivers defender so you can do much with them and if you want you could put in mana echos
Sure ill take a look for you
Im actually kinda good on creatures i think thanks for the advice tho
Your mom haha jk i never knew this deck had so many singles in it just seems like you get watever you want
Screw this deck! i hate it with a passion!
OK so heres the update i decided to put in and take out -2 Kamahl's Summons -2 Ashcoat bears +2 Chameleon Colossus +2 Game-Trail Changling What does everyone think?
Oh Please haha we still need to finish the fight! even tho i dont have my werebears....
Ya ive been thinking about adding them but i just dont know what to take out at this point without going over 60 card you know? do you have any suggestions for me cause that would be really helpful
Looks pretty good i would take out swampyard tho after all its kinda pointless when your going to be making so many tokens
If you ask me its kinda sad that a person would take that much time to like there deck change accounts and do it again over and over
G/W: i would take some of the artifacts out and put in equipment like trusty machete and sword of body and mind or sword of vengence and chimiric mass or entched champion. then i would put in Ezuri's Brigade and carapace forger and some other stuff U/W: Chimiric mass would will be awesome along with rusted relic then put in day of judgement, comdenm, journey to nowhere. i would also put in some counter spells stuff like that and B/R: Burn and stuff like that
Oh and i would also add in some chimiric masses because that card is just wreck
I would probably narrow this down to about two colors maybe G/W, U/W, B/R, some where in those combanations G/W is a good combantion because the you can put in remove and heavy hitters thats my opinion anyway
ok sure ill take a look
oh and it looks good! i mean good enough for bears to eat!
hes talking about the mtg oracle on the mtg website
you should do it! Bears are awesome and not many people think about it or expect to be overwhelmed with bears haha
you do have a point ill think about it because he does cost one less than everything else so ill think about it thanks for the feed back
101-120 of 165 items