
20 Decks, 90 Comments, 0 Reputation

I'm sorry but there is no way this deck is going to win anything. You have far to many cards, nothing to connect all the 5 colors, and everything cost way to much mana to cast. You'd get land screwed probably 8 out of 10 hands.

Posted 19 February 2010 at 14:16 as a comment on teardown


Yeah WAY to many planeswalkers... and where the heck are your big creatures? Why would you even go green with all that mana acceleration and not use some big daddy's in there to do some damage. If you want to just go aggro there are better colors to pair white with so that your not wasting all those mana generator cards.

Posted 19 February 2010 at 14:13 as a comment on green white elves T2


I don't understand why people use fetch lands in vampire decks. There is no landfall in the deck besides bloodghast so why waste a life? You'd be just as well off drawing a swamp in its place wouldn't you? I never have a problem playing a land every turn in my deck so I don't see the benefit in taking a hit just to get a card I could have drawn anyway.

Posted 19 February 2010 at 09:45 as a comment on vampires with worldwake


I agree, I don't see this winning. Plus, why are you using fetch lands with nothing that gets landfall? Why help your opponent by taking damage when you could of just drawn an island in the first place.

Posted 19 February 2010 at 09:22 as a comment on Solidarity


Ditch Serra Angel and use the Skyfisher from zendikar (flying soldier 2/3) or some other flying soldier to keep things meshed well together. The bounce effect from Skyfisher works well with the nonbasic lands that give you 1 life when they enter too.

Posted 19 February 2010 at 09:19 as a comment on Soldiers of Nature


I'd look into adding Wild Nacatl and Lush Growth. If you control a mountain and plains then Wild Nacatl is a 1 cost 3/3 which is very nice. Lush Growth causes the land you put it on to count as plains, forest, and mountain (can only tap for one kind of mana) but that means on turn 2 you can play a nacatl and it be a 3/3.

Posted 18 February 2010 at 14:17 as a comment on Godsire


I like thi deck and plan on making my own but there are a few changes I would make. First, I would swap in Haunting Echoes for the Traumatize. As their deck shrinks Traumatize loses effectiveness but you can easily mill someone for 20 cards through other means, hit them with a single Haunting Echoes, and then all they have left is basic lands until you finish them. Most standard decks have full playsets so not that many actual different cards. This means that Haunting Echoes really hits them hard. The only other change I plan on having in mine is adding Hedron Crabs instead of Lich Lords of Unx. I don't want to have to build up a zombie force of tokens to make them useful.

Posted 12 February 2010 at 14:37 as a comment on Allies at the mill


If you are going to play Pyromancer Acesion and plan on it having any use or speed at all, then you need to make sure all your instants/sorcey have x4 of each to better your chances of drawing and using doubles. Having 2 of all those spells does you no good since the chance of getting both and using them if very small out of 62 cards. I'd advise limiting your spells to where you have 4 of all of them to better the chances. Personally though, I think Pyromancer Ascension is more of a wet dream than reality. I've tried to use it so many time and have NEVER gotten the two counters to actually use it. My personal belief is it is a waste and I'd just assume draw a lightning bolt in its place almost anytime.

Posted 12 February 2010 at 11:22 as a comment on Chandra's Ascension


I have to agree with elements. Land destruction just doesn't really work because the card's cost are always so expensive. So it doesn't even start coming into play until turn 4 or 5 usually and by then any Tier 1 deck would already have you beat or near enough that it wouldn't matter. This certainly isn't a tier 1 deck, or really even a tier 2. It could be a fun casual deck to play with friends who don't have the super fast tourney decks though. You do need to add in more land though.

Posted 12 February 2010 at 09:25 as a comment on Land Destruction T1 R/G


Most of your enchantments are completely useless for this deck. Archmage Acension cost 3 and requires 6 counters which means the soonest it would come into effect is around turn 9, which is just crazy. Unless you are playing full control you'd be dead or have won by that turn most likely.

Pyromancer Ascension is just worthless in every deck. Lets do the math. You only have 17 instants/sorcery which is only about 30% of your deck. So your chance of drawing one each turn is less than 1/3. Next, it doesn't even proc off the first time you play one of them (since it requires a copy in your graveyard). So the earliest you could play this would be turn two (most likely due to 2 cost) and then you would need very specific card draws to make it work. Even if you drew EXACTLY the right cards that you needed it would take a minimum of 3 of the same spell and thats if you managed to draw the same spell. Otherwise you would have to draw doubles of another spell making the minimum 4. The chances of drawing these doubles within 10 turns is not that great, especially since you are not even using 4 of each of them.

Quest for Ancient Secrets is fine except that it is unneeded about 90% of the time and it actually works AGAINST Pyromancer Acension even more. The only real use for this is to counter mill decks so this is really a sideboard card that you would pull out if your opponent is playing mill.

Quest of Pure Flame is nice since it includes creatures. No complaints there.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 14:47 as a comment on Deck Challenge- Double Post


I'm assuming the swamps was just a mis-click... Get rid of those Enchant-Auras and those life-gain spells in my opinion. Instead, add in removal for in case they get out something on you that you can't kill. Path to Exile works well, as well as Oblivion Ring or Journey to Nowhere or even Swords of Plowshares if you can go way back.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 09:59 as a comment on these soldiers were in nam angels helped them


More creatures, less useless flak (ie. Enchant - auras and unneeded spells). With green, you just need to overrun them with creatures until one of your Overrun cards shows up. I wouldn't fool with all the individual creature buffs. Instead of that buff just draw another creature and play it. That way if they use removal on you they don't cost you more than one card. I mean really, would you rather draw an Oakenform or just get another 6/6 or something to smash them with?

Posted 03 February 2010 at 09:51 as a comment on Overrun!


I don't get it. What does him having foil copies have to do with anything? Its a theme deck, which is fine, its jsut that bears aren't generally very useful creatures as cards. They just rearely have any useful abilities.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 09:45 as a comment on BEAR


Remove Pyromancer Acension and Punishing fire and put in 4x Lightning Bolt. Any red deck without lightning bolts is just fail. They are too overpowered and Pyromancer Acension NEVER works. I've never seen anyone actually get to make use of it. If it counted any casts spells (including creatures) then that would be something maybe, but requiring it to be only instants/sorcery and only if one is already in your graveyard is just to much. I mean, those card types make up less than 25% of your deck and the first time you use each it doesn't even count. Which means only 10 cards in your deck could even possible count towards the counters and it requires 4. So the card ends up requiring you to draw and play AT LEAST 6 specific cards (4 of one card, 2 of another) and possibly as much as 8 (2 of each instant/sorcery) to get the 4 marks. Well the chances are pretty much 0.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 09:38 as a comment on A different approach


Needs more focus. Cut down on the number of different cards so you have a better idea of what you're drawing and playing. Keep it as close to 60 cards as possible and throw the situational stuff into sideboard, not main deck.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 09:30 as a comment on forest of infinate growth


Seems to random and unfocused to me. I would pick out 4-5 creatures from all those and have x4 of each so it cuts down on the probability of drawing each and gives more order to the deck. Stick the ones you remove in your sideboard.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 09:21 as a comment on Dr. Caligari


Your mana curve sucks. Except for the Rangers on 3rd turn, you can't play much of anything until 4-5 mana. Thats just bad. Plus I can easily see this deck getting land screwed. Creative theme but I'm not sure it will work.

Posted 02 February 2010 at 15:39 as a comment on Rainbow Beacon


Pyromancer Ascension just never works in my experience. It is far to slow. If it worked with casting creatures or damaging with them also then it would be great. But since it is limited to instants and sorcery you are better off putting in Zektar Shrines in their place. With those, you can easily have a 7/1 trample turn 4 at the latest.

Posted 02 February 2010 at 14:52 as a comment on OUCH!


No creatures at all? Throw in some Walls of Reverence in my opinion. Their 1/6, flying, and in the event that something gets through they heal you for at least 1 each and every turn. It enables you to prolong even more in case some gets through.

Posted 01 February 2010 at 09:35 as a comment on Luminarch Ascension v1.0


Looks very slow. Until 4th turn all you can do is sit and watch.

Posted 01 February 2010 at 09:32 as a comment on Mirror-Sigil Alchemist


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