
20 Decks, 90 Comments, 0 Reputation

I think I would remove 2x Predatory Urge and 2x Savage Silhouette and add in 4x Overrun. This way your little fellows can see some action and surprise your opponent.

Posted 09 March 2010 at 15:25 as a comment on a mono green standard deck


Honestly just some White Knights would do it. Remove nocturnus to disable the flying and then a white knight can block and even kill most any of the vamps without taking any damage. 4x White Knights and 4x Devout Lightcasters is probably all you need unless you can find a Protection from Black flier to throw in. Actually just toss in some Spidersilk Nets to equip... gg

Posted 09 March 2010 at 15:22 as a comment on Anti-vamp


I prefer the White/Black allies myself. Using black allows so many more options for removal so that you can build up your allies without much effort. Plus, its nice being able to hijack your opponents creatures with Agadeem Occultist after you remove them. :)

Posted 09 March 2010 at 15:16 as a comment on Allied


Honestly I don't see it. Your big creatures are just so expensive you'll be dead by the time they can be played. Blazing Torch doesn't stop removal and vampires don't typically block anyhow, they just "spawn rape" you. And... Iona? Really? If a game last long enough for mono-white to get 9 mana then that player just sucks and deserves to lose.

Posted 09 March 2010 at 12:40 as a comment on Anti-vamp


Pyromancer NEVER gets used in my experience. Its always 1 turn to late so I removed it from all my decks. Pretty much seems to be the same consensus at my comic shops's FNMs also. It looks great on paper but rarely ever gets used. When you do the math it just requires to many exact card draws to proc it.

Posted 09 March 2010 at 12:20 as a comment on Chandra Wins


It needs to be Standard... MAYBE Extended but honestly I'm not to sure on that one either.

Posted 09 March 2010 at 11:15 in reply to #55802 on Cuz i'ma Solja


Vintage decks have combos that can win on turn 2-4. Tribal type of decks like this just can't compete with that in that format.

Posted 09 March 2010 at 11:14 as a comment on Cuz i'ma Solja


Lotus Cobra is nice but Harabaz Druid can add up quick with a couple allies out. And if you have 2 its twice as much. Plus, about 1/6th the price =)

Posted 08 March 2010 at 21:20 as a comment on Ramp Mill - Blue/Green


Dark Rituals make this a Legacy format deck. I think vampires would get stomped in Legacy since there are turn 2-4 wins most of the time.

Posted 03 March 2010 at 09:28 as a comment on Vampire Beatdown


Spreading Seas decks are a big inside joke to most of the Magic community. You know this right? Some dude showed up at my local FNM shop with one and I felt kinda bad for him with all the laughing. He might of won a single match but not a whole game.

Posted 03 March 2010 at 09:26 as a comment on Land Denial


Kazuundu Blademasters in place of Palace Guards. Their just way to overpowered. Since your soldiers are already pumping each other I wouldn't fool with Coat of Arms (its expensive anyhow). Instead I would add 2 flying soldiers for a little air support. The Skyfishers work well with non-basic lifegain lands or allies since you have to return a permanent to your hand.

Posted 01 March 2010 at 15:42 as a comment on White Soldier standard deck


The manlands aren't really that great... Plus I foresee you Treasure Hunting yourself right into mill, especially during longer games.

Posted 26 February 2010 at 13:10 as a comment on Michael's Man lands


I don't see why you would ever want that many plainswalkers in your sideboard.

Posted 26 February 2010 at 12:00 as a comment on naya's revenge


This deck has to much "IF" coming off it. Especially for Extended.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 09:30 as a comment on zombie kill-mill


You are using Legacy cards. A soldier deck would never win in Legacy, and probably not in extended.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 09:26 as a comment on soldier deck I Towd jaa


26 is a lot of land when the top of your mana curve is 5 and the majority of it is 2. I'd advise 20-23 personally and remove the non-basics that come into play tapped. You don't need those holding you back any. Also, you probably want to include the new goblin enchantment from Worldwake. It gets a counter each time a goblin is played and after 5 counters all goblins get +2/+0. It only cost 1 mountain too so its pretty nice.

Posted 24 February 2010 at 15:59 as a comment on Goblins Attack


Shieldmate is there just to block and as a defender it gains him life. The only creature protection is brave the elements as the others are basically fog spells. Wall of Reverence would probably be better than shieldmate to give you more air defense, plus the extra lifegain from its ability. Aethercraft is right about Eldrazi though. If you are pumping out angels it won't really matter at that point if they don't destroy luminarch right away it is just a matter of time until you win regardless. Probably better off adding in more removal or damage preventions.

Posted 24 February 2010 at 15:49 as a comment on Big Bad Angel-Standard


Ah, basically lifelink then. Its nice but I only play with Standard format. Thanks for the suggestion, and the link, though.

Posted 24 February 2010 at 15:39 as a comment on Vampires


Maybe I just have to many personal bad experiences with pyromancers acsension but it is just way to slow. First off you have to draw it and play it, which is a 1 in 15 chance. Then you have to play an exact 2 spells, or possibly even more if you haven't played one yet, just to get your counters. People can kill you in Standard in 5-6 turns easy and in Extended I'm sure they can do it in 4. For casual play it probably works but for any sort of competitive play its just not fast enough to really be useful.

Posted 24 February 2010 at 15:20 as a comment on Legacy "Protostorm"


Not sure if I would use Teetering Peaks or not. Coming in tapped is going to slow you down where having 4 extra mountains could help you get your 3 that you need for Ball lightning faster. Other than the 3 for ball lightning it seems pretty balanced.

Posted 24 February 2010 at 14:28 as a comment on Red/Black Rape!


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