i also use a prieval titan to pull out my lands :)
priest of titania, elvish piper, coat of arms maybe? know what would be funny, adding a caller of the claw, that would be pretty funny.
instead of quick silver, maybe elvish piper. or show and tell,if your gonna do keening stone, you can deck them with a traumatize.
in that case, what about progenitor mimic as your general?
no problem, i know my GF runs a knight deck, and with knight exemplars she can drop a harsh mercy or a board wipe, and only lose her exemplar (since all else can't be destroyed.) for you, if you have out an exemplar, you could name angel and still keep most your knights :)
they do... but they cost you a land. because they come in tapped, its more like, no land this turn, 2 lands next turn.
well, lets start with the basics. you may ask yourself why only 60 cards. well players use 60 cards because that way, its more reliable to pull a card that you want. This also goes along with why players have 4 of a card in their deck. Some players even try to have cards that are "fillers" making the deck more like a 56 or less card deck. The point of a good deck is to do the same thing. When you draw your hand, you should be able to name 5 cards, and 2 of them will be in your hand (not counting lands)I look at your deck, and it reminds me of decks i used to make. unreliable, and most games i lose, and when i lose i think, man if i only drew that "ONE" card that i have in my deck. The chances of that being slim to none. Before you do anything else, i want you to reduce this deck to around 60 cards, or 59 cards and a street wraith (if your attached to your 9's)thank i want you to get x4 of cards. use the below to guide yourself4x Can't get enough of it, would love 3+ in hand3x Love it, but don't want to draw more than 2 in a match2x Special card, only want 1 to be drawn in a game (usually a specialized card for when you get stuck, or a legendary creature)1x Wammie, rare card for your deck that you will need in tough situations. You usually have a card to search it out when your in need and will only need once (example, 4 green sun zeniths in a elf deck and i have 4 different 1x cards that help me draw cards, do combos, destroy enchantments, or a wammie to end it if i have the mana.once you have done this, we will be able to work on your deck :)
less than 20 lands i would say.
ok, well i guess i would add vexing devil.
harsh mercy? with your mix of indestructables and a choice of humans or angels, you can prob wipe all their board and leave 5 creatures on your side???
hey man, all good, but consistancy is proven to be better than random.
still, you can do a theme with 4x. without consistancy, not even he can tell me what a 7 card draw will pull.
its all over the place, it will only become apparent when you have to win in 3-5 turns, or when your playing good legacy decks. if your content with it as is, as im guessing you play the same group of friends, than its all good :)
To build off of what he was saying, he ment fillers. so say you have 20 lands, 4 of them are lands that grab other lands. if you have 2 marsh flats in your hand, you will search for 2 lands in your deck. after you search for those lands, instead of having 18 lands left in your deck, you will have 16. its a trick, so that once you reach your desired land amount, you won't draw lands. they also reduce your deck effectively down to a 60 card deck, because for you have a card, that essentially is just another card. other fillers of other colors, are. street wraith, Manamorphose,Gitaxian Probeif you were to fill your deck with fillers, you could essentially have a 40 card 2 color deck that has 20 cards that draw a different card.anywho, you have a lot of 1 and 2 mana cost creatures, so you should look into not drawing alot of land, but it is important to have it in your first hand, i would put in 8 fetches and 12 basic. also, you have a ton of 1 and 2 drops, you consider 2 aether vials?
3x and 4x only, unless you have a search card to find the 1x.
1x and 2x, no deck consistancy.
1x and 2x, where is your reliability :( that defeats the purpose of even having a 60 card deck.
ughhhhh, 1x and 2x galore.... why even keep a 60 card deck, just go for 150 cards.
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