Kick to top deck!
Yea buddy... Cryptosporidia... Definitely not obscure..
This is one Rapetastic deck..
Thats what Avengikar is for!
Looks like a fun deck despite the fact that its now Type 2, tsk tsk =D. Its a fun take on the necromacer idea, dance of the dead puts an interesting twist on the idea. I would suggest possibly putting in some of the more aggressive cards like: Akroma, Angel of Wrath and maybe Baneslayer Angel, these come out swinging hard and can help give the game a couple of more win conditions.
That`s an amazing idea man =D i think that I'm gonna do some revisions online and see how it looks.
Then don't make this deck and play it, don't play in our playgroup. Its really that simple. It works for us, we have our own rules, we don't play tournaments. You play your way we'll play ours =D Thx for the helpful advice though 8D
=D I think that that is the nicest thing you've ever said about my decks, lols
the problem is that this deck is already pretty slow, it would make it even slower...Its a super awesome idea though.
a burn deck with out lightning bolts?
-1 ornithopter, -1 signal pest, +2 mox opals
but that would defeat the purpose of this deck, which is to use quest for the goblin lord =D
Take out life force, there is no point in this deck. your not going to be casting creature spells anyway. Look at enchanted evening and primeval light
u need to change the name since you took out the card that looks like General Grevious.
evil presence seems pretty pointless. sure it can slow them down a little, I'd put it into your sideboard and put it in for some haste hate. Look at putting in Sign in Blood to help give you some card advantage.
what kind of things would you suggest putting in there?
good call, i'd overlooked it =D
Put dispatch in my sideboard just in case games go on longer than normal and my opponent has a tendency to get out big creatures.
or wall of blossoms for card advantage.
good point i'd overlooked that =D
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