lols I just linked my deck to you for some advice =D thx
I hear that your the master of stompy's do you mind looking at mine and helping me out.
you only have to have red for lightning bolts and ajani, you don't have banefire in here and figure of destiny dosen't need red mana. I'm sure that you could find some other white substitutes like Elspeth Tirel and journey to no where...just saying. Keep the fetch lands in for funsies and to thin out your deck.
seriously?! who wants to sac a life just to find another land and thin out their just sounds to smart =D.
creature kill, creature kill, and more creature kill.
where is Lotus Cobra? that is the mana ramp king right there! Lotus cobra and as many fetch lands as you can find. verdant catacombs and misty rain forest. you pay a life for them but 1 fetch land = 3 mana with lotus cobra, and if you have 2 it counts for 5 so it stacks in an amazing way.
I already have reckless wurm and null profusion....?
i hope so, I'm planning on replacing my mill deck with this one so it better be awesome!
So I love how this is a "red/white" deck why not just go mono white instead of splashing in red for lighting bolt?
Ur such a newb
i think that I would just punch you in the face during the sub-game and call it even =D creative idea though lols.
i'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with this deck. i love the vampire hexmage/dark depth combo but I don't want to make a classic vampire deck around it...
pretty much =D
cause I need more than 1 way to kill someone =D
I'm trying to figure out why you have green in here? Its a mono-black vampire deck. Living wish is cool but its not worth splashing green in it. =D I like the deck though.
the only response that I can think of for Eldrazi is to sideboard in planar void, or leyline of the void. but eldrazi's are the classic bane of mill decks =(
This Deck Rapes!!!!!!
I fixed that name issue =D I took out all my big creatures but Geth. They were good but I never used them.
-2 wrexial, -2 Szadek, -4 scrib nibblers, -1 Jace the Mind Sculpter+ 4 Glimpse the Unthinkable, +3 grindstone, +3 painter's servants, +2 Jace beleren. I'm excited to see how this works =D
Heston crab is a turn 1 drop. I'll look at the wall though
61-80 of 100 items