Also decided to try Kemba as the commander, she seems to have a bit more use than Nahiri.
Deck looks really great, couple cards I might add to my deck!
Caged Sun is useless in a colorless deck, you can't name a colorless as a color.
Cool deck, reminds me of a deck my buddy has, it's pretty brutal.
How do you have a hydra +1/+1 counters deck without the best hydra in magic, Kalonian Hydra?Check out my hydra deck.
Respect for the game? How about some respect for the players that make the game what it is. Wizards of the Coast could have chose to make the game a living card game but instead the cards range from worthless to thousands, a massive price scope that makes some cards simply unobtainable to casual players because of perceived value. I won't participate in that system and it was that system which lead me to casual magic. Every Friday Night Magic I've been to it's just unimaginative kids copying pro decks and usually the kid with the most money in his deck wins.So I'll continue to proxy, you continue to respect the game.
Budget decks are always good, but even cheaper is printing out proxies on card stock. I no longer any real magic cards because there's no point when you play casually, just proxies.
Does this actually work? Loss of life and damage are not the same thing. I suppose the card does say you can't lose the game this turn so looks like it would work.
Cephalid ConstableCard is ridiculous especially if you can boost his power above 1.
But again that's not infinite damage, that's infinite creature power.
I did see that
I like the combo but there is literally only one win condition and it's hard to come by without any tutoring cards or even draw cards and only two copies of the planeswalker in a deck that uses it as its winning strategy.I suppose you can use the infinite combo to boost a creature to infinite power, but that requires a lot of cards to make that work which likely won't happen.
Agreed, Scute Mob seems like a cool card but it's really not good unless you have stuff like cultivates or other cards that put more lands into play before turn 5.
Bloodghast is such a good card, love it.
Almost a reflection of this deck
One win condition and no way to protect it, definitely a one trick pony that would likely never win.
turn 3 acceleration on a deck where everything costs 1 or 2 already with no card draw?
Warden of Evos seems like a cool card at first but it doesn't do shit for you. Your highest costing bird is the one that reduces the cost of birds, your mana curve is low enough, the card is just taking up a slot. Take it out and put something better in its place. I have deck similar to this, check it out.
I feel you have too many lands, especially when there's 4 Noble Hierarchs.Take a look at my bant exalted, it's quite a bit different and doesn't play off enchantments nearly as much.
Yeah I mean it's a cool idea though
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