
0 Decks, 74 Comments, 20 Reputation

I like this post but I've come to the realization that usually only shitty decks get on the 'Hot' list, especially these past two weeks.

Posted 17 July 2013 at 17:07 as a comment on GeneralM_ Read the description


I'd drop Emeria, the sky ruin. It seems like a good card but you'd have to have 7 fucking plains on the battlefield in a deck that's only running 16 plains. Even if you use path to exile as a tutor for plains on your own 1/1 tokens or creatures, it's just not worth it.

Posted 10 July 2013 at 01:24 as a comment on Cavalaria


I like it, reminds me of my burn deck using Kiln Fiend.

Posted 28 June 2013 at 07:45 as a comment on mono red burn


So many things should be changed, but the glaring one is why are you using elvish piper?

Posted 27 June 2013 at 01:25 as a comment on Elves


Drop the dual lands and it's within budget, the only tutors I have are transmute cards. Dreadfully slow? 30 cards in the deck are two drops which matches with transmute.

Posted 25 June 2013 at 02:19 in reply to #370210 on Fast Infinite mill


This deck would play so horribly if you didn't get the combo out: no real life gain besides shitty extort, no way to deal with threats, no card draw mechanics, and no search mechanics. If you don't get an ideal hand the game will be over before it begins.

I built a deck with this combo but for FFA multiplayer;

Posted 25 June 2013 at 01:29 as a comment on Fast Infinite mill


Traumatize is such a terrible card, I don't understand why so many people use it in mill decks. Assuming you're stacking a typical build and using 33% of the deck as mana and no mana acceleration, by the time you have enough mana for Traumatize it really isn't worth the mana cost. If by turn 5 you don't have an opponents deck more than half gone, it's probably over anyway.

Posted 21 June 2013 at 05:28 as a comment on Black/Blue Mill


Knight of Meadowgrain instead of Ajani's Sunstriker would be cool.

Posted 22 February 2013 at 23:46 as a comment on White Flame


wtf are you trying to do with this deck? I see you have the thopter/meek combo with disciple and time sieve which is really nice synergy, but everything else doesn't make any sense. There's so much inconsistency in this deck, a couple exalted here, a couple life gainers there. You have Shirei which is a nice card but costs a lot of mana to cast and it doesn't work on tokens so I don't see the point of it. Then you have the mentor that allows you to draw cards, I guess he's cool but I would find a better creature or spell that you could use to draw cards.

Seems like you're trying to do too much with the deck and it makes it pretty unplayable.

Posted 12 January 2013 at 00:05 as a comment on Meek shall inherit the earth


I don't understand decks like this, maybe you could say it's...counter intuitive. But seriously what's the benefit of running only one of each card you want; it makes decks horribly inconsistent? I see non-EDH decks posted on MTGVault all the time that run 1 maybe 2 copies of a card and it just makes no sense, I'm legitimately looking for an answer. WHAT IS THE POINT?!

Posted 07 January 2013 at 04:06 as a comment on Counter-Intuitive


I agree with everyone that said you need Rage Nimbus; that creature is far more powerful than you know. Just think about it, if an opponent has a 1/1 creature and you make that 1/1 attack you, simply stack block with all your creatures and you will gain tons of life with a perimeter captain out and you're killing off their creatures in the process.

I have a defender deck myself that I run every now and again and it's definitely fun.

Posted 18 September 2012 at 09:17 as a comment on defender deck


I have a deck that's similar to yours, though instead of Master of Etherium I use Steel Overseer; which is a 2 mana cost 1/1 creature with the ability "Tap: Put a +1/+1 counter on each artifact creature you control." You can take a look at what I have below.

Posted 08 August 2012 at 23:15 in reply to #279213 on Corrode


You have a card in here that breaks your own combo! If Master of Etherium is on the board and you sac sword of the Meek to get a thopter from Thopter Foundry, it comes into the field as a 2/2 and Sword of the Meek will see it as such and will not come back into play.

Posted 06 August 2012 at 17:13 as a comment on Corrode


No Welkin Hawk?

Posted 06 August 2012 at 07:27 as a comment on Bird is the Word


I have a deck similar to this, what I don't understand about this deck is why have Screams from Within in the deck at all? It doesn't put -1/-1 counters on creatures, it just gives them -1/-1 but not in the form of counters.

Posted 24 July 2012 at 23:13 as a comment on Wither > Infect


I have a deck similar to this, what I don't understand about this deck is why have Screams from Within in the deck at all? It doesn't put -1/-1 counters on creatures, it just gives them -1/-1 but not in the form of counters.

Posted 24 July 2012 at 23:00 as a comment on Wither > Infect


I was wondering what land destruction deck you've had the most success with? I am wanting to build my own land destruction deck for casual play but I've never had experience with them.

Posted 25 April 2012 at 08:25 as a comment on Land Destruction (Green)


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