Nice deck, I've always loved Mono Green. A few suggestions include cutting the 8 elves you are running and replace with 4x Arbor Elf and 4x Utopia Sprawl. On there own they have exactly the same ramp with the added bonus of being combo together. 4 mana turn 2 is just an amazing place to be in. as well as Utopia Sprawl being less likely to be hit by removal. After all rule one in modern for me is. When in doubt kill the mana dork, Every Time. In addition I think the Vernal Bloom is just to risky to play. I run a competitive LD deck in modern and if my opponent played that I would shake his hand and be over joyed. I think Overgrowth would be much more beneficial for just you. Especially if you decided to go the Arbor Elf Utopia Sprawl route. As far as main deck I think you're running to many Time of Need. I would cut 2 for the Inclusion of Beast Within as a green answer for just about anything in the format. For side board I would replace Stream of Life with Life Goes On. Much better against burn. I'd -1 Dismember and run 2 of these. As well I really don't like Deconstruct, the only match up I would bring it in would be Affinity and removing 1 artifact in that match for 3 mana is just not as effective. I'd play 2x Creeping Corrosion instead. And switch Naturalize for Nature's Claim. the 4 life is irrelevant when Emrakul is involved. Lifecrafter's Bestiary would probably be a better card to bring in against control for card draw in my opinion. Only other thing would be the need for graveyard hate in the form of 2x Relic of Progenitus Maybe -1 Spellskite and 1 more Dismember for this. Anyway just my opinions take for what it is. Happy Casting :)
Could you explain just how Crucible has synergy with anything other then the 8 fetch lands? If you include Leonin Arbiter, Ghost Quarter and Field of Ruin you would get a land destruction lock. I also wouldn't play more then 2 Crucibles. Also I don't see a single "prison" card in the entire build other then Stoic Angel. Due Respect is a bad card for this strategy since it's only a one turn effect. Authority of the Consuls would make a much better replacement since it's a lasting effect. Some other permanent with lasting effects that should be considered for a "prison" deck would include. Ghostly Prison(name sack card for the archetype), Sphere of Safety, Porphyry Nodes, Rule of Law, Runed Halo, Norn's Annex and Leyline of Sanctity as a side board card against combo, burn, discard, mill etc... Detention Sphere is a bette r option then Oblivion Ring when running blue.A few creatures with taxing effects stapled to them worth considering,Windborn Muse, Grand Arbiter Augustin IV, Ethersworn Canonist, Grand Abolisher, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Search for Azcanta would make a great addition as well o give you card advantage later in the game. I really wouldn't focus on ramping for this strategy. Instead I would try to get as many taxing effects in play early on. The game will naturally go long allowing you to eventually do everything you want. Anyway just my opinions and didn't intend on criticizing to much. Happy Casting
Nice, How does Arlinn tend to play out by the way?
Have you considered Rings of Brighthearth in place of the Wanderer's Twig. I understand if it's not in the deck due to cost issues. I just think it could really put this deck over the top.
Well after a lot of deliberation and rigorous play testing against the top 5 Tier 1 decks in the format,over 20 matches each I've arrived at this current list. Which at the moment is what I will be bringing to the Toronto Grand Prix in February. I've finally come to the conclusion that 2 Bonfires over the Mizzium Mortars is where I want be. (Sorry DedWards) Reasoning behind this decision is Mortars simply doesn't hit what I need it to hit at the time of a 6 mana investment Reality Smasher, Death Shadow, Goyf, well as the incidental direct damage comes up relevant in games where it gets cast. The addition of Tireless Tracker has been amazing to say the least. It gives the deck so much reach/draw in grindy match ups that it just didn't have before hand. Another impressive and surprising addition is in the form of Hazoret the Fervent. She closes out games so quickly and the only thing currently being play that deals with her is Path which is seeing less play to the dominance of Push. Well also there are a few one of copies of Settle the Wreckage floating around. Either way she is a Power house. The other main addition to the 75 I want to give credit to is Trinisphere. It started as a 2 of SB card and I found myself bring it into approximately 60-70% of my match up's. This has made me feel comfortable enough to include it as a 1 of in the main. It completely shuts down Storm, Burn, Aggro. As well as being a nightmare for control. As far as the side board is concerned I've fallen back to the 3 of Ancient Grudge for the affinity match up. I believe early on I actually got lucky in a few matches which gave me a false sense of how the deck played against affinity. At this point it's probably my worst match up pre board but drastically improves post after cutting the LD cards for the 3 Anger of the Gods and 3 Grudges. Another thing I'd like to point out is the removal of Crumble to Dust. It just kept feeling like I was improving an already good match up against Tron. I wanted to free the slots up for the harder match ups. I think the only card I'm really not convinced of is Carnage Tyrant. When I read the card it just screams F#ck You you filthy control player. But a second Thrun may actually be ll I really need. Thrun comes down on average 2 turns earlier and lives through a Supreme Verdict thanks to the Regenerate. The main thing I like about the Tyrant is it's large Trampling body. I have found myself being blocked by a couple spirits from Lingering Souls for 2 turns when I should have had the match in hand. Anyway just putting back out there for any input from the community. Happy Casting :)
I also agree that Spectral Procession should be in this build. I also feel Lily should be cut in place of it, not because she's a bad card by any means just that she really doesn't have any synergy with anything else other then Lingering Souls. I feel like there will be more times where a resolved Spectral would be closing out the game where Lily would be prolonging it in the same situation. I also think Leyline of the Void would be much better suited for your side board since Void wont null your ability to flashback your own Lingering Souls. As well I think Leyline of Sanctity is must have SB card whenever possible. I would replace Purge, Secure and Lily for them Only other thing I would suggest is switching the values of Fatal Push and Path around. Sure Path is far better in the late game against bigger threats. I just feel like it is so much better to have the upper hand early on in any given match up. As in being able to Push a mana dork turn 1 which is something you almost always want to do. Unlike casting Path on a mana dork on opp turn 2 which always feels bad since you're ramping your opponent which is essentially what they 're trying to do themselves. Anyway just my opinions. Happy Casting. :)
In that case if you specifically built the deck for a playgroup with the majority of decks are mono coloured< I can see hoe Splinter could be considered a win condition. The reasoning behind Acid-Moss being a better replacement is that it does do the same thing as Splinter but also does another key thing your deck is focusing on. Ramping which many times could be more beneficial to you in the scenario of playing against a deck with only 2 or 3 of any one land in a deck. Your statement on not needing another land at that point in the game is quite incorrect. Since the goal is to get to 7 mana sources as quickly as possible to play World Breaker and at the time you would be playing Splinter or Acid-Moss if it were you would not be at 7 sources yet. Meaning you would need it.
You don't play much competitive modern, do you?
How do you figure it's a win condition?
As great an effect as Splinter is when it works I feel it should just be a 2 of. Since the majority of decks in modern run very few basics you are likely to never hit more then 3 cards with it. As well it would not be crippling your opponent as much as thinning their deck in many situations. 2x Mwonvuli Acid-Moss would be a good replacement I believe
Well actually no it won't. Echoing Ruin says each other "Artifact". Which is exactly what Risen Deep is trying to explain. The other forests in play won't be artifacts. Only way I know it would work is if you had Mycosynth Lattice in play. Which would be a really bad idea anyway since it would destroy your Forests too.
straight up Life gain cards are bad. They always have been and would need something amazing to make them playable. You should really cut Chaplain's Blessing for the missing Aven Mindcensor and Leonin Arbiter. Also I would highly suggest running some amount of Ghost Quarters since it works so well with them as well.
First of all you should probably cut Hymn to Tourach since it's not even legal in modern.Wrech Mind is a decent budget substitute. Thoughtsieze and Inquisition of Kozilek should be your got to targeted discard spells tho.
Yes all basics or other turned land.
I'll start off by saying, I Love playing land destruction. It's just about the most controlling way to lock your opponent out of the game. A few suggestions for the deck would be to play Viridian Revel instead of Howling Mine for your repeatable card. After all who wants their opponent drawing extra cards anyway?Next I think you should switch Tel-Jilad Justice for Natural State. This way it will improve your chances of destroying your opponents lands as early as turn 2. whenever you have Liqumetal Coating in your opening hand with any Mana dork. then Oxidize or Natural State will do the job on the same turn. The only other problem I see is your ability to actually win the game after you cripple your opponent. You have lots of ramp but nothing to ramp into. So many option to choose from really just pick your favourite big green or blue fatty to beat face with. I"d suggest something like Sagu Mauler as a great budget option. Trample, Hexproof are very good qualities in a finisher. shouldn't need more then 2 in the deck. Anyway just my opinions, Happy Casting. :)
Dovin Baan is pretty weak. You would probably do much better running Search for Azcanta.
No worries. I've played a lot of mill in the past and always wanted it to work but never quite did since I never focused on damage aspects to get the initial 3 counters to make it active. If you do find it to be working Geralf's Messenger may be a good replacement for Nightveil Specter. I think Specter is great in theory but simply to weak to compete in modern. At the very least with Messenger you're getting some value just by it entering. btw I meant "many" not mana in my previous comments. lol.
No you are wrong!The tree only needs the ability to put it on the stack. Once the ability is on the stack it will resolve. At the time of resolve the tree's p/t will be checked and this combo will work. You are also very wrong about the Goblin Fireslinger. It Will deal one damage. The rule 613.7 is not even an issue here The tree's ability has already been used before turn to frog resolves. Try reading the rules of Activated Abilities. specifically 602.2 If you still don't get it try asking a knowledgeable friend or ask a magic judge. There are a lot of sites that let you ask a magic judge who will be happy to explain this in depth.
Nice deck/concept. Haunting Echoes and Persecute each have great effects but I think they're to expensive for modern (mana wise). I suggest cutting them each to 2 of's and play Bloodchief Ascension as a 4 of. I think it fits perfectly with mana aspects of this deck.
No you are wrong the effect will resolve as planestalker explained. You are describing something different all together. Removing the Tree would disrupt the line of play because at the time of resolve the effect looks for the tree's stats. As well your comparison with stifle and disallow makes no sense since those cards specifically counter something on the stack. As well he's not trying to "break up" anything.
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