Wow, havent seen a Pestilence deck in forever! Good job bringing that back too life.
They sure give you a nice toolbox approach! :)I like the Crystalline vs control, quick and dirty. Doubt the Triplets will have a lifespan beyond milliseconds tho, to easy to remove.Hand and Land disruption seems, at a quick glance, like it would cause the most havoc for you. Fear the UB disruptors...
Fun looking deck!How do you deal with a control deck? Or worse yet, a tempo/control that spits/vials out hordes of fast critters with annoying abilities, (Grand Abolisher, etc), remove/counter key cards while, (worst of all), are wastelanding your mana sources??Stifle may be worth keeping around...You also have quite a few 1 offs, makes you vulnerable to hand disruption, (Inquisition of Kozilek like cards are everywhere).
You certainly can Snapcast FoF for another "tutor" turn but most importantly: You can Snapcast/Flashback or Grave Scrabble whatever you just dropped in the yard. So no matter how your opponent splits the FoF you can likely play it no matter where it ends up.The atog ability is rarely used until the kill so generally you dont need as many cards in hand or in the yard as a old school Psychatog deck did, which allows you to Flashback quite considerably until you are set and ready for the finish.My most memorable win ended in a table flip when I attacked with 1 atog and 1 Imp, (Wonder and 18 other cards in yard), and 2 untapped Underground Sea and 2 Circular Logic in hand. Opponent had 11 life, 2 untapped Plains and 2 Swords to Plowshares in hand. <grin>Too bad Cockatrice is down but if you can stomach Workbench then take it for a spin, it is a lot of fun to play when you get the hang of it...
not a 1 drop tho... Deck is kinda slow without the 1 drop ramp. Allows the control deck to establish their 2 mana base unchallenged and also gives turbo decks 3 free critter drops unopposed. You really need the 1 drop ramps, (that can also be used as chump blockers when their early ramp duties have finished), to launch the remainder of the deck...The first 5 cards played in/versus this deck is likely going to decide the outcome...
How about some 1 drop mana dorks? Should speed up the whole thing considerably...
You need more 1 drops: Putrid Imp allows you to discard a fatty immediately and reanimate him turn 2.Aether Vial will allow you to pump out critters willy nilly throughout the game.Look into some Demons to compliment your fatty collection.Hope that helps...
ehh, Scull Clamp...
run 4 -5 Wums with Summoner's Pact to fetch them. Ramp with dorks, Arbor Elf, Elvish Archdruid, Heritage Druid, Nettle Sentinel, Quirion Ranger and Wirewood Symbiote as $ allows.
Oh, and dont forget Æther Vial...
Noticed you swapped Spreading Seas for the conditional cantrip Aquitect's Will... I dont like it as you are giving up the mana hose/cantrip ability of Seas for a possible card draw from Will to save just 1 mana? Go back to Seas as it far more versatile and powerful, (dropping Seas on that Sacred Fountain your opponent just spent 2 life playing beats the hell out of maybe drawing card off the Will).
With Krenko being legendary 4 is to many. 4 Siege-Gangs are also high as you only have 4 Instigators to cast them quick enough. The new Legion Loyalist should also be seriously considered. Adding more indirect damage to aid the Grenades will likely help you as well.
I feel like I'm missing something here? You are telling me that your only wincon is: 1xPyrite Spellbomb??
@raginggoblin: I'm not trying to be mean to or martianshark or you but AlleywayJack is totally on the money here as there are WAY to many main board cards played in Modern that will shut this down completely, (without sideboarding anything), for this to be even remotely successful, sorry.The idea is cute and all but beyond casual it has no life...
Siege Gang is a great goblin when you can drop him with Goblin Lackey, Instigator, etc. If you have to hard cast him then the deck just aint working right. Krenko is extremely good as well but he gets even better when you can Goblin Matron him...I've got a Legacy Goblin horde that has gone undefeated in the last two Legacy FNM's at my local store that you can take a look at and see if there is anything there you can use for anything:
Thanks.Used Tendrils over Grapeshot to compliment Pandemonium because it is Black, (now your opponent need to add more than just Red hate cards to dodge it).
I like the insta-mill of the Painter/Stone and the fact that you tried to evolve it but I'm not sure you want to do it in Vintage where everything is either intensly fast or so controlling that you cant expect to play anything without massive protection.Pull Tinker and the Tutor and you are Legacy legal...Just a thought.
Not just Extirpate: Pithing Needle, Surgical Extraction, etc. All common sideboard cards.I still dont see how you can consistently go off on turn 2, I have problems making mine kill consistently on turn 3...Oh, and dont forget Tezzeret in my deck, he is just sick!
1 of each, they are restricted:
To slow for Vintage I am afraid, there is no way you can have this ready to trigger on turn two, (I cant even get a draw that would make it possible WITHOUT an opponent). Not nearly enough counters to protect a slowly evolving combo, you might want to trim down the number of Crucibles and Orbs for more counters? 'geddon and WoG are also pretty much useless as you need to be able to either protect or trigger the combo so fast that an aggro decks damage wont make any difference. If you really are worried about aggro then use a faster Red sweeper. You are also vulnerable as long as you only have one wincon, (Ex: Extirpate will cripple you).I've got a semi-casual Vintage combo along the same lines that might be worth a look, maybe we can inspire each other to make some positive changes...
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