Playtesting showed Mangara superior to Finks
Conversation from version 1 of the deck
Is it just me or are there others out there that think CoA is total junk? I once ran into a Legacy White Weenie, (admittedly not a very good one), that ran CoA in the main and decided to drop it against my Goblins. I swung for 32 the next turn!
Stop considering Magma right now, its idea/concept is great but it is virtually unplayable in real life!
I play Mono White hatebears and Goblins quite often, (they both kick ass against 70% of decks in the format), and Liliana is a monster against those decks, she needs to be included. You seem to have such a decent understanding of how a card functions within a deck that your statement re Spear vs Decay makes no sense, have you ever taken this deck to a competitive environment? Decay is far superior, its not even a contest! That said; there is no reason you cant play both, there are worse cards in this deck you can dump to make room for both...
Abrupt Decay and Domri in main, (Moat effects kills you). Full set of Deathrite and load up for B-tap on him as it wins games, (Charms and Scullcrack). Have you noticed Experiment One? Oh, and you need Lilliana to handle the hoard decks...
AEther Vial, Thalia, Grand Abob and Wasteland missing...
St. Taft alone is worth keeping White in this deck, StP is a must in every Legacy control deck. The number of nasty critters that come at you early in games makes it something you cant live without. You are missing FoW in it tho, another must have for Legacy control...
I hear you.Another thing about the Revoker that I forgot to mention is that you can swing him in via the Vial as a response to the offending card being played.
I was thinking along the lines of running a Demon deck with 2BB demons, Lake, DR and Heartless Summoning to go with the Temporal Extortion? Sounds like fun.
Modular AND Reforge! Nice work! Like the creativity...
This is one of those situations where I agree and disagree at the same time! The Needle certainly appears to be superior but the Revoker is a critter, and in an aggro deck you can not underestimate that. If you draw Revoker early you can drop it and name the effect AND charge with it. If this deck works right, (and/or your opponent dont draw the hate card you are targeting), you dont need the effect but you can always use the 2/1 aggro part of the Revoker.Yes, Needle is cheaper and in most cases more efficient and harder to remove but in this deck, maybe not....Thanks for the input tho, I've been wrestling with the same thought.
Maybe add: Experiment One as he can grow pretty quick here, Craterhoof Behemoth for a finisher or a Deathrite Shaman/Tracker's Instincts combo?
This is just annoying as hell. Love it!How is Temporal Extortion working for you? Do you generally have to have the Lake out to take full advantage??
With the deck designed for the Arbiter to hit the table early that is just too much trouble trying to juggle fetchlands before he comes in and ruins everything for everybody. ;)
Thanks.I was considering Silence from the beginning, same with Sunlance for some extra removal. The problem I ran into was that I could not figure out what to take out? The critter count right now is perfect as I am drawing pretty much exactly what I need when I need it and I'd hate to mess with that balance, (the only change I am contemplating is to pull 1 Avenger and 1 Grunt for 2 Kitchen Finks?). Other then that I really need 4 of everything that is not critters to get it in time. Like the way you think tho...
Rule of Law is still in playtesting but so far seems to work rather well as by turn 4 I'm either out of cards in hand, (other then the ones I have intentionally held back), and playing from a position of strenght and the Law is not needed, (hence SB rather then main). If my opponent is still alive and not dominated by then it is because they have controlled the board with responses to whatever I have dropped. If I can limit their responses to 1 per turn, (or even pull a removal on the Law rather then say a Vial), I can gain board dominance with the low CC critters and Vials under the Law.As this is not a Death and Taxes build I have very little control built in. It is mainly straight aggro with barely enough stall to smack a control deck that does not have the perfect draw over the head in game one, but after they sideboard it gets trickier, and that is where, (I hope), Law comes in...
Try: Gut Shot, Mutagenic Growth, Unnatural Predation, Kird Ape and Burning-Tree Emissary. Or you can allways go Infect...Æther Vial really will speed it up but I dont know if it fits your budget theme.
Allways fun to bring back an old staple in a new disguise. I played around with Psychatog a little while back and came up with this:
This is why Sword of the Meek is banned in Modern and Tinker everywhere else, (restricted in Vintage).
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