pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft that didnt stop me from crushing the weebs at my last fnm standard.
I love this deck. I won FNM with it
Hey man i'm looking to make a deck similar to this one and i was just wondering if you indeed own it and how its plays for you, any responses welcome, i'll post a link of my own list later.
sure i can comment!
sure, i am excited to you seem like a decent guy and player. I dont discredit you as a player because we disagree on deck choices
I wouldn't argue about a deck i hadn't run. I changed decks recently to a Sultai version, making use of Sidisi, courser and Caryatid.So far you and i have only been arguing, how do you feel about agreeing with me on one point here, he needs to add in some thoughtseizes, no?
mtgtop8.comthere is the meta for you,Ninja, sorry about the time difference i live in Australia. If you keep clearing the board and bouncing out your PLA how do you expect to attack with it?
Well isn't someone having a grumpy morning,Evasion (the magic term) refers to the ability to not be blocked, for instance, lets say you are in a control mirror, and you use the flash and bounce or whatever to avoid all board wipes, how on earth is PLA supposed to get past an Elspeth. In a midrange matchup, how can PLA beat a deathdealer? The aggro matchup has a hard time, they couldn't care less about PLA they are gonna get destroyed by an end hostilities.AZ88 called me out on player skill that is why i gave stats Einstein.
Don't Run two please one at most, if you are meta-conscious the pro decks run 1 sideboard, 1 main is okay i guess, i think sphinx is good for evasion.
Oky, i was getting into it a fair bit when i commented the first time but here goes;I agree with KJ, however the amount of main/side drowns is irrelevant as long as you have 3-4 total.I am going to continue my point about sphinx over ancient. I know ancient is shiny and knew or whatever but it isnt effective. It comes out much later than Prognostic Sphinx and it has absolutely no evasion. The only reason you would run is is so that you can boardwipe and leave it protected, even then you are going to be another 1-2 turns minimum until you can recast it. Meanwhile the sphinx is immune to kill spells (not wipes) and deals 3 damage with evasion, can block as effectively as the ancient (except maybe a polukranos or something) and gets of that scry 3 while its at it, which is really good fun.I don't like murderous cut, but I can't stop you so i'll ignore it, my real problem is aether sprouts, the only deck that AEther spouts is good against is the very same deck you can kill all the creatures with a drown in sorrow. it just isnt that strong, i know people like running new cards but i think you need to let this one slip.Meanwhile i like your balance of planeswalkers and your removal, except for a lack of banishing lights. There are very few decks that can beat a banishing light, without using a banishing light of their own, and hey i fancy my elspeth living. So while your thinking about things to cut i reccommend going down to 1 ancient, or maybe just 1 in the sideboard, taking out Spouts would be good and I agree with dissolve over the new 4 cmc counterspell, the only deck having 2 mana counterspells is really that much more useful again doesnt run anything with CMC 4 to begin with!Some people are saying nyx-fleece rams, although standard ATM means that there are very few creatures it can block, the amount of standard evasion (sphinx, mantis, swing with a weeny and stoke etc) means they aren't so great.I'm not really that bad, i have my fair share of FNM top 4s and i went 6/3 in my most recent GP (sydney).
God your good.
I am sorry to say this, but this deck is bad and expensive.You play esper YET NO THOUGHTSEIZE,TWO MAINBOARD PEARL LAKES, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING YOU BIMBUS.PROGNOSTIC SPHINX, end caps, is much much better.MURDEROUS CUT IS OUT AS WELL AS AETHER SPROUTS, you dont need. i Know 1 mana kill spell seems good, but not as good as 2 mana dig, if you waste ur delve on cuts, then no cheap digs simple. ON THAT NOTE 4 digs mainsboard plz.Banishing lights should be mainboard. Resolute archangel is good as one of.You should be running mainboard 1-2 drown in sorrows.
did you even read my comments, i explained how i have tested many versions of this deck and in my second comment i explained the disadvantage of running pack rat, just because people do it doesnt mean it is smart.
Hey man i see what you are saying about backup plans, the problem is you don't need them xD. If your bridge dies you are dead anyway, if you really think about it, facts of life are when you're playing a black control deck your opponent is going to be able to beat past a few pack rats or 1/1 faeries with their voices of resurgence, tarmogoyfs etc. You are better off just adding more removal and discard spells, after all that is your win condition.Also for your 'dead draw thing' that is the aim of 4 mainboard raven's crime, the only dead draw in that case would be another pack rat which puts them out of the power range of your bridge!Secondly i know a lot of people really like bitterblossom, the issue is that it puts you on a clock, now i know this may sound silly, but it really does. If your opponent doesnt just flat remove it it deals you and your opponent one damage a turn, compounding for you, against the average deck you may get 2/3 turns of this, that is two turns that you have taken one and that they have had enough cards in hand to avoid the damage from rack/affliction, meanwhile when you could have done six damge with an affliction you have dealt 3 damge total with faeries (granted u have 3 on the field) and (since it hasnt been removed as it would by a midrange deck) your opponent is setting up for some fancy combo!Player's note: i just found out that vs affinity your opponent can attack with an ornithopter and then use the alternate cost on cranial plating to bypass your bridge, as a result i have added 2 mainboard slaughter pact and 2 side. Something to consider...FURTHERMORE (god i love this deck) ive noticed the extirpates sideboard and mut tell you that you CANNOT go wrong with some surgical extractions, the ability to turn 1 inquisition then extract is insane against many combo/tron decks.THX FOR READING I HOPE I HELPED
Hey im not sure how competetive you aim at being but...First things first, mono red/wr is probably stronger, but i get set on some colours and lock in too, so i'm gonna take that off the table.Since you have black you get a few cards, one of which is thoughtseize, as much as thoughseize is loved, inquisition of kozilek is probably better, seeing as you are a burn deck and if you haven't won by turn four you've probably lost, your opponent's 7 drops dont matter xD. Of course in a tron matchup or something you can definitely side in some seizes.Next up, CUTS. Fanatic of mogis, after seeing a strong run in standard there is some hype about this card, let me tell you in modern, which is even higher on removal than standard and with vexing devil (which they will sacrifice if they cant kill it) your devotion isn't going to get above three (including the one from mogis). A non-hase 4/2 (which will get killed itself) with a lightning bolt attatched is good, but not four mana good. Urborg, you don't want two, you don't consistently need one like a deck running a playset of manlands might and getting a second is killer in a low landcount aggro deck. Terminate and Liliana, these are also iffy, why do you need removal in orded to kill your opponent's face? I am partial to liliana so leave her in, but i would for sure cut the terminates.To ADD. You need some low curve critters, although red seems best equipped why not give black a go with some Vampire Lacerators or Diregraf Ghouls? Another Blackcleave cliffs, as i said you arent gonna make it to the lategame, and a dual land with no downside that enters untapped turn one is just too great. As stated 4 inquisition of kozilek in the mainboard is good. I like what you have going on with blightning so the only thing left to suggest is more burn, Lava Spikes and are good.
Hey ManI have played hundreds of games with this deck, trying many different builds. By far the most effective is one without;- bitterblossom- waste not (i know ur not running it just saying)- any creaturesFurthermore, you should not run mutavault. It is a good idea, but blinkmoth nexus (the non infect one) is far superior in that you can attack even if you only have one card in hand with an ensnaring bridge out. if you want to attack with the vault you have to have 2 cards in hand, which makes it likely that your opponent is going to have 2/3 in hand, which is bad for your racks.Next is removal, smother is alright, but i preferred using victim of night in my tests and when you consider the things you dont hit with smother vs the things you dont hit with victim of night, its hard not to just give up entirely and play dismembers. I also like slaugher pact, at least in the side for if i come up against affinity, to hinder their turn 3 win.Lastly, Smallpox should be in there x4, it is devestating to kill a land against a 16 land burn deck that has a guide/devil on the board. Moreover, one of the worst matchups for this deck is bogles, so much so that i sideboard 2/3 geth's verdicts, having that extra sacrifice is really strong and since you play no creatures you will always hit more of them than of you, as 8 rack, you would prefer disadvantage both players than give yourself an advantage (aka. draw a card etc).Also if you agree plz upvote, i dont have enough reputation to downvote people who are saying the wrong thing and it's getting annoying.
4 shard volley, not 2, it's a four of in a normal burn deck, not to mention one that synergises with lands in the grave
Shard volley, instant speed lightning bolt that costs one red and you sacrifice a land, perfect for this deck.
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