this is a cool deck, but! you have way too much land!, look at your mana curve try 18 land, that gives you six more creatures/spells and a planes walker, (plz reply)
this is cool everything requires the dead and has flashback!
thx i was new my current decks r a lot betta @Razka
thanks for the advice i'll see
I must say though i like the entomb - disentomb combo it works really well for me
Its is a powerful deck, but i agree you won't get anything cast 4 at least 3 turns a good burn deck will kill you in that time.
Worldfire followed up by a lightning bolt will kill anyone.
some really cool stuff, but you're screwed when you come up any burn deck, it takes tons of mana to get anything. you have 10 cards with 7+ mana! but i do like that you chose worldfire.
Thx I wrote this but I'm not v. good
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