
5 Decks, 53 Comments, 0 Reputation

Can you please explain how you ever get the children of korlis out? I see no plains in order to get him out.

Posted 07 November 2009 at 00:10 as a comment on Zombie Clerics


This is very true, I had 1-2 Clickslithers in my deck, but instead I wanted more to have a Siege gang so that everything worked as well. I look at Rise of the Hob and they were pretty good... I am thinking of trying to see how that does in there. Thanks for the advice!

Posted 06 November 2009 at 23:41 as a comment on Goblins oldschool OWN


Good version of a mono green land lovers deck, keep up the good work +1.

Posted 06 November 2009 at 23:40 as a comment on Landfall Green/white


I really like this deck build... the fact that you have various ways to win the game with your mossbridge is hilarious. I don't see many problems and i see that the deck meshes well together using eachother to make the combos work. Good job +1!

Posted 06 November 2009 at 23:38 as a comment on Black Green -1\-1 deck


Haha, I think this deck would probably work pretty well... There are a few ways for yo to get the mana you need in order to get the bringers out (joiner and channels). Besides that Solemn is helping out a great deal. Good job, keep up the work.

Posted 06 November 2009 at 23:33 as a comment on Bringer Deck


YESSSS that's so awesome thanks

Posted 06 November 2009 at 16:51 as a comment on Red/Blue Damage Control


Man, I am now obessed with Browbeat... What an awesome card for any burn or control deck or.. wait any deck. This seems to be a really popular build, kind of makes me want to build one :P

Posted 06 November 2009 at 15:50 as a comment on mustang mayhem


Hmmm I don't know about dragon fodder, I feel like I would rather be drawling a solid goblin that's going to bring something to the table. I understand that by bringing in more tokens with both of those cards then a lot of things do come together (grendade, sledder, prospector, skullclamp, siege gang.. Ok so a ton..) Damn, I am going to have to possibly try them out in there :P If so, I have to deal with waht to take out... the worst part...

Posted 06 November 2009 at 15:41 as a comment on Goblins oldschool OWN


Oh also try to make your deck 60 cards, you will be surprised how screwed you can get when your decck isn't statistically sound :P Also, because you don't have acceleration of mana yet you will definitely need 22-24 lands.

Posted 06 November 2009 at 15:38 as a comment on Mono Green


Ok so this could definitely be molded into a deck that would work really well. The problem I see with it now is that there is no consistency and too much going on. You have 1 of many cards that are all trying to do different things and you have some cards in here that don't belong. Enormous Baloth is a 7 mana 7/7 vanilla card which is trash. Why pay a full 7 mana for something does nothing for you. Your Obelisks are not useful to you at all, if this is mono green why would you need the other mana?

I think you should focus on putting in your 6 mana converted with power 5 or greater so you get all of those benefits. WIth this said, you seem to also have a variety of buffs so why not just put more consistency of really good buff like vines of vastwood or predators strike. Get rid of Snakeform, it's not going to help you and I would definitely think of some ways to accelerate mana production so your creatures start coming out fast. Good luck.

Posted 06 November 2009 at 15:37 as a comment on Mono Green


Haha nice, I am currently working on a Landfall deck but not with that awesome combo over overlaid and planar. I am thinking of trying to get some ramphaing baloths cause they are amazing. Overall I think this deck can cause a lot of harm. Good job.

Posted 06 November 2009 at 13:27 as a comment on Old-school Landfall Abuse pt1


I'm glad you have the visages and lures in there, sounds like a fun deck. I would however take out the whispersilk cloaks since majority of the time you want them to be blocked and just put more buffs. If your worried about them being targeted by spells then vines of vastwood is a really good card that can keep your creatures alive and for one more mana buff them. Good luck.

Posted 06 November 2009 at 11:04 as a comment on Venom - v1


Hmmm I really like mill decks. They sound like a lot of fun to play. As for cards in this deck toward the idea I think I would not have etherium sculptors in there simply because your artifacts are not that expensive to be needing acceleration. I feel another problem your going to have is getting hit hard in the first few turns. Most of your spells are milling and not really protecting yourself as much as I think you will need. Brain Freeze probably could be replaced for more Mind Funerals because that card is so good. I also think Traumitize should be put in there to help you get the theme across. Raven guildmaster is also a great card that can help defend you and put some millage into action.

I do really like that Brightearth, bairn, and Jace combo. Keep up the good work!

Posted 06 November 2009 at 00:21 as a comment on Mill-a-lot!


!!!! No nighthawk!!!!! I'm so sad :P This is a interesting blend. My top 2 decks that I have are probably my goblins and vampires and you decided to put them together. I think there are better control cards then 4 duress. I might include maybe 2 of them then go with doom blade, unmake, hideous end, or something along those lines. I am not a fan of you have blade of the bloodchief simply because that card is most useful for a vampire only deck and even with that I don't think the card does very well competitively (JUST my opinion). I would definitely try to get some Nighthawks in there because that card is so overpowered. Good luck.

Posted 06 November 2009 at 00:15 as a comment on Standard Vampire & Goblin Aliance


Well I think there are a lot of things going on in this deck. I can see your trying to build a lot of tokens but I think it would be easier for you to do this by just taking your deck to be completely elves. There are many ways to overwhelm and gain life with just that theme. It looks like you have on sort of started with Imperious and Elvish Harbringer.

I think one of problems this deck will face is that there are a lot of really expensive cards and all the tokens are not meshing together. I dislike Marble Chalice, I think there are way better cards then that. Some elves that would help you in creating tokens, overwhelming and gaining life are Wellwisher, Drove of elves, elvish archdruid, elvish euologist, elvish promenade, heedless one, huntring triad, and Lys Alana Huntmaster.

This would significantly mold better for what your trying to do with this deck but it's understandable if you want to keep it a non-elf deck and just use the variety you have. Good luck.

Posted 06 November 2009 at 00:13 as a comment on Tokens of Gaea(comments please!)


Lol the reason you see 4 is because he updated his deck after seeing what those people had commented :P

Those I think are good suggestions but now that you have mentioned them something like Sakura Tribe Elders come to mind... Not only would it be a free block but at any time or when blocking sac it and get the land you need to buff creatures.. This is also an excellent idea to do when on teh defensive or to buff your enchantments to get those last needed counters. I think I am going to add this to my deck and see how it plays.

Posted 05 November 2009 at 23:51 as a comment on Landfall Budget


Deck has been updated with 4 lightning bolts instead of 4 shocks YAY EBAY!!!

Posted 05 November 2009 at 23:22 as a comment on Red/Blue Damage Control


I would put that in but now that it is a 40 card deck mycosynth wouldn't be able to make that much of a difference to be forced in there. Besides that there is only 1 memnarch and the chances of me taking control of everything are not as good as brain freezing them to death. I do see what you mean but it is also expensive. If i don't get the combo going quickly meaning by turn 5 or 6, then I probably won't be holding off any good deck I face. Thanks for the input though :)

Posted 05 November 2009 at 23:21 as a comment on Infinite Mana Fun!


I really like this deck. I think it all meshes really well and it gives you so many opportunites to sac your spirits in order to get what you need out. The rares fit nicely +1 good job.

Posted 05 November 2009 at 23:18 as a comment on Ghost Dad


Ok I have updated the deck to what I think would work a lot better now. There is definitely more consistency. I am working on getting the counterspells and Lightning bolts. Isochron and Silent arbiter will help run it.

As to lash out, I think it is almost as good as incinerate even though i don't make sure the creature is dead - it's 2 mana, instant, 3 damage, and I get to clash meaning I get to see my top card to see if it is something that I want. I can see what you mean that it could hurt me because my opponent sees what it is but for now I am going to keep it in until I can get more of a better card like magma jets or lightning bolts.

I appreciate the advice from everyone I still need to get rid of some other cards to make room for 2 wall of tears because they will provide safety as well.

Posted 05 November 2009 at 19:56 as a comment on Red/Blue Damage Control


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