I could see that more often you probably get mana screwed... I mean the idea sounds like it could be really fun but your creatures require things from all over the place. If you would want this to be faster and efficient I would definitely splash more green to get the lands you need. Your artifacts are only decent for adding the mana you need. I can also see that this deck probably gets rushed super fast by any aggro deck. If you are too slow you will be controlled my most control decks too. Good start but definitely consider doing some things to make it work a lot more.
Wow.. so reading your combo it only was great... well then i saw what it was doing and it was awesome.. then I saw what doubling season was doing and the deck is now sick. I really like this build and what it does. Grats man! +1
Wow, this is pretty much the exact deck my friend was looking to make. I am interested in how this plays if you have used it competitively at all or just casually. From the sounds of it, given a few turns this deck gets really really nasty really quick. Ughhh 5 mana 7/7s... and the 25 dollar Sliver Queen... Bravo deck build +1.
Haha interesting deck build. I enjoy the fact that your either going for the win with life total or just trying to mill them. Twincast is an incredible card as well to either counter or just copy something else that would benefit you. I'm not sure how needed 4 spidersilk nets are.. You wall already will be guarding flyers and has shroud, and your phantom warriors are not going to be blocked anyway. I maybe would have 1-2 of them just give your sovereign or pantom the ability. I think you could probably put in some more cards that would help you either gain the life to win or mill the opponent. I like raven guild master but it looks like you are going for a type 2 deck. In any case that's just what I think. Keep up the good work!
Actually now that I have thought about it a little more the reason why I would not add whales is because they don't have the ability to give me infinite mana. He is still a fun card nonetheless.
Wow I didn't even know that he existed lol. I might consider getting 1 or 2 of him thanks for the advice.
Yeah wow... As I am bringing mana leaks out of my one deck to put in i read that comment chris :P I have been thinking a lot about it and I definitely agree, Isochron scepter is a must. There is so much you could do with it... Boomering... Counterspell... Mana Leak... and if I get 2 in my hand put more of that out. It would be so effective in control. I am pronbably going to be putting 2-3 silent arbiters because he can take damage and really control teh battlefield while i set up. I am definitely keeping Gelectrode(probably getting more) and Crackleburr. Crackleburr is something that would work with arbiter because I can use his ability to do damage and return. The problem lies with me taking out a bunch of my red/blue cards and putting in such artifacts and main blue spells. I would definitely need to make sure that most games I can have 3 red/blue creatures out and keep them out to make him effective. The Wall of tears will probably go in with 2. Cards that I'm going to replace will be Shrewd Hactching, Wee draugs, Spellbound Dragon, Dismisses, and dream fracture for now. There are a lot cards I want to add in so this is going to be a very hard process. Question: Do you think the cards Snap(because I can return a creature for free) or Serum Visions(for the cheap cost and scry 2), or Brainstorm would be a good choice to add in (also with isochron's ability to abuse these cards)?? With regard to Cinder Pyro, I think I rather just add more razorfin knights and gelectrodes. They are cheaper and they are red/blue and have sort of the same idea even though the knight doesn't untap when a spell is played. Question: Does Isochron Scepter count as playing actually playing the spell meaning would glectrode be triggered by its effects? I know that actual copied spells don't because they are never played, they are just copied and added to the stack. However with scepter, I'm not quite sure.
I'm also attempting to build this deck because of how fun it sounds. I'm interested in how it has played for you so gladeheart didnt work out? I am glad about the zankar shrines but I think you should have some buffs in there to further cause mass damage specially if they add trample.
Oh wow, I mispoke about silent arbiter, I am definitely getting a few of him haha 4 mana is own
Wow, I had never really though of adding that kind of style to the deck for control. I was going to temper with boomerang but it really does make sense. Wall of tears is amazing, I will definitely get that. BUt yeah my biggest fear was that Isochron would be mentioned only because I used to have 3 and then they were stolen :(. Now that I look at the price it is 5 dollars and above on my budget right now haha. I do like and have considered pyroclasm but I fear it would kill all my creatures as well either that or I don't understand how I would play it right. I am lucky with browbeat cause I think I have one through my old Pulverize preconstructed deck and I agree what a awesome card. Silent ARbiter will be a must even though he is kind of expensive to get out without any mana acceleration. I do like Cinder Pyro he adds to the theme and I guess I'll wait on lightning bolts and counter spells when i see their prices drop more. My next problem is what would I take out in order to add such cards or being to make changes. By taking out some of the R/U multiucolored creatures, it puts crackleburr at a disadvantage. I love gelectrode but I also like dealing 3 damage and returning a creature all in one turn for 4 mana then attacking. I want to put in so many of the suggestions but doing it I think it will be hard. I think I will get rid of my dismisses, there are better control cards. The main thought behind the deck when I started was to continually counter, burn, and attack while drawling cards and never running out of ammo. Thank you so much for the advice and please continue to give it!!!
I disagree with Lacerator and Hexmage being taken out. A 1 mana 2/2 drop to help overwhelm the opponent is essential. Plus he is really good for helping me get my opponent to 10 or less which is the ultimate goal for a vampire deck. Hexmage is great because of first strike. It poses a great threat to keep enemy attacks at bay. Duress won't be leaving because it's a great first turn or later in the game move to see the opponents hand and to get rid of that annoying buff or any other card that would cause much destruction to my deck. I agree with the ascensions and maybe even with 1 blood tribute. The drains work so well to crowd control and gain myself more life. Gravelord has come through counteless times to put in that 5/5 and crush + add threat to the opponent. I do like hideous end but not particularly soul reap because it's a sorcery. I am definitely going to consider everything you have said though and continue to make improvements on this deck. Thanks for the advice.
Definitely a good start for a really scary deck. I'm not sure if I like Borbory in there though.. I think you should stick to your idea of really hard hitting haste trample creatures. Maybe some hellspark elementals or spark elementals. They are really cheap and do the same exact thing as your hellion and ball lightnings. Also you can use your buff cards to really make them hurt.
Wow... I can't believe the ante cards were actually used. When I play the 1996 Magic duels of the plainswalker game I always see them there but laugh at them because I would definitely never use them. You sir, have taken the idea and owned it for pure amusement. This is an awesome idea!!! +1 Please check out http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=32588 and rip it apart. I am trying to make it into a competitive fun deck, but it needs a lot of work.
Well.. you have SOOOO much going on in this deck. Consistency is non-existent, if I were you I would choose a few of these cards that are carrying your deck through games and try to order more of them. Things like sanctum gargoyle are a waste of space for this kind of a deck. Sanctimony is very opponent deck specific, so probably a good sideboard card. There are definitely some really good white cards you got in here for a deck that is going to go mono white.. However you also have plenty that don't really fit the scene and should be replaced with the same of those good cards.
About the lands - please don't forget that I have Seats of Synod and Ancient dens as land producers. The reason why I only have 20 lands total in this deck (including the artifacts) is because I have the scupltors and Grand arbiter to help reduce costs. I rarely get screwed where I don't have enough mana to do something. I definitely agree with replace the pacifism for another crystallization. I need to see how I would put in Path to exiles but I agree they are an amazing card. Thanks for the input!
Oh I just read your intro comment, you probably are not thinking of changing it since this was your onslaught tournament deck >_> my bad..
Very nice, I enjoy a good elf deck build. My friend has a elf deck but it seems to have a different focus. His focus is to overwhelm the opponent through creating a ton of elf tokens. I think something like Drove of elves (because it can't be the target of spells your opponents control, aka not something that's easy to get rid of). Some other cards that might be considered (Imperious Perfect, Jagged Scar Archers (for flyers), and Harbringer so that you can search for the elf card that you need at that time. Also Lys Alana Huntmaster for creation of tokens to better gain life of wellwisher and have a stronger heedless one. As well as possibly putting in some tribal elf cards so that everything your casting is pretty much an elf and will only help you to abuse your cards. Otherwise I really like what you have so far :) Please check out and comment my deck, http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=32588, it definitely needs advice.
Oh also, please check out http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=32588. Deck needs a lot of help and hasn't gotten many comments. Thanks!!
I completely agree with the above posts, because of your mixed mana something like tendrils will not be used to the fullest and will only be a waste of space in your hand. Even though you have a wall and one of my favorite cards of all time, Nighthawk, I don't think you would be able to keep up with aggro deck. I feel that adding some sort of control or more of a threat with creatures to protect you until you get the mana to start running what your deck does will be more effective.
All suggestions are appreciated, would love to take this deck to a new level of own. One could argue that there is a poor amount of consistency with the deck but I think the variety of all the cards makes duels always interesting and gives me an opportunity to win several ways. In any case my main deck that I am working on is http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=32588 so also please check and comment on that deck because that deck needs the most help. Thanks.
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