
5 Decks, 53 Comments, 0 Reputation

Also I'm not a huge fan of the hedron scrabbler I thi k I would put in buffs instead of them to help get damage done faster.

Posted 04 November 2009 at 14:34 as a comment on Landfall Budget


Haha ok :P What about some Etherium Scupltors to help lower costs of your artifacts. I can see that vedelkans can manage you more mana with 2 but scupltors allow you more flexibility with being a 1/2 instead of a 1/1?

Posted 04 November 2009 at 13:31 as a comment on Arcbound Dream


This is a really cool build, I agree with putting expanses in and then just adding fetch lands if you have them. I can see how this deck can rush an opponent real fast, good job.

Posted 04 November 2009 at 11:08 as a comment on Landfall Budget


Haha yes, it's been a while since I have seen a modular deck in action. From what I remember Arcbound Ravager was the king of modulars. I would to add him if possible to get quick damage and to watch him grow fast and to give you the sacrifice option allowing you to put a ton of counters on your unblockable spincrusher. I was going to also say put other affinity for artifact modulars in this but then i looked at the deck again and realized what you were doing. I like the deck idea, specially with intruder alarm to cause a lot of annoyance to the opponent. Good job.

Posted 04 November 2009 at 11:04 as a comment on Arcbound Dream


Very nice deck man, this is very similar to my B/U control deck that uses buried alive and zombify to get nice control cards like woe, visara, lacquatas champion and others. I thinks yours is a lot faster and I love how your using Sharuum to help you bring even another artifact into play that will own. Nice build!! +1

Posted 03 November 2009 at 22:20 as a comment on Reanimate


Yeah I definitely could see the extra malakir.. but honestly I decided to take the blade out today when I played a few matches. I noticed that when I had it against most decks it wasn't what was winning the game for me and honestly I rather have another vampire coming out or a tendrils of corruption to secure the win. Thanks for the input though!!!

Posted 03 November 2009 at 22:16 as a comment on Vampires... again...


Well said, I am new to this site and I already see a lot of drama with this going on. I definitely came here to get some solid advice and some new ideas for my decks to make them more competitive. Sad to see a tool to help people being abused just because people like to see a large number next to their deck :(

Posted 03 November 2009 at 22:15 as a comment on -1 top rated decks with no comment should be shot


Definitely puts up a good fight. Have played it a few times and when it does come through, it is very fast. Keep up the updates :)

Posted 03 November 2009 at 21:50 as a comment on Haste, Trample


I couldn't agree more thanks for the idea of unmakes!! Yeah, I completely agree Bloodghast is sooooo good. The only problem is that he is relatively expensive :P I don't really have the budget right now to spend 10 dollars on one of him but if I ever get the chance to trade for him or get him for a lot lower price I am definitely aiming to get him. Thanks for the help!!!

Posted 03 November 2009 at 21:36 as a comment on Vampires... again...


Lots of really fun cards in here (Royal Assassin) and cool combos with Corrosive mentor and kulrath night. I'm not sure if have the lack of consistency ever hurts you or that so many are so much mana but I guess the dark rituals help you out with that a little. Having one of Urza land kind of make the card not as effective in my opinion but would be sweet if you got all three out. I like the cards in the deck and am interested in how it plays.

Posted 03 November 2009 at 17:04 as a comment on Your creatures dead, so I'll take it


I like your deck idea <3 vampire and the use of bloodchief ascension to really screw your opponents however I'm not sure if I like Kalitas in there. The only reason being is that he is really expensive to play and I feel like you could have other vampires out that are more powerful then the things you would be killing. Not to mention he is lengendary so if you have one in your hand and one out it's a waste of your hand space. Sorin makes your deck rediculous and so does bloodghast. Great start though. Check out mine http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=32674.

Posted 03 November 2009 at 16:59 as a comment on Vampire / Drain


All suggestions are appreciated and considered. This deck has been played a few times now and it has done very well. This does not of course compare to some of the really good and common deck combos that are seen in tournament style play.

Posted 03 November 2009 at 16:51 as a comment on Vampires... again...


Ignoring that there is no real sideboard yet, please give suggestions. I know that I am missing consistency 1-2 of cards always has bugged me but this is what I have now. Also I realize it is missing the power cards of counterspells and lightning bolts. I'm more looking of other combo cards to throw in this. The main problem is that it seems to be slow and if it doesn't gain control then it will never.

Posted 02 November 2009 at 23:46 as a comment on Red/Blue Damage Control


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