that is my version of RW Tokens. I'd play Raise the Alarm over dragon fodder any day, even as I'm playing rabblemaster I still prefer the instant speed.
With grand master you get 6 life from helix, pretty simple, as lightning helix doesn't have lifelink on its own.
I don't get this deck at all xD Agent of Fates with nothing to target it but Go for the Throath?
I actually made a clone of this deck to modify it, this is how I would build it.
Looks cool. Just about any tapped 2 color land is better than meadow though.
What about replacing Giest of the moors with spirit of the the labyrinth? Sure, doesn't have flying, but same stats, is one mana cheaper, and has a pretty cool effect
For burning inquiry hilarity, play Notion Thief - you draw 6 and discard 3, they just discard 3
Yeah indeed. Unearth says "Return" not "cast from your graveyard". The only creature in here actually doing what you want it to do is the Gravecrawler in your sideboard. I do not know how many more cards that are actually cast from graveyard there is around, but should be a bunch. Try to find those and build the deck around instead of Unearth :)
The first deck I ever built was a tap deck :P I've kept it intact, and now it is my go to deck whenever I need a casual but still decent deck. . The budget there is obviously a bit higher, but I would recommend you adding Feeling of Dread, it is such an awesome card. If you can afford it Gideon Jura is really good aswell. Your deck looks nice, I do however think that the "enters tapped" cards you have in your sideboard does not do what you want them to do, and the creatures that are effected by it does never actually tap, they enter tapped, it won't trigger Gideon's Avenger.
Check out Library of Leng if you want a good no maximum handlimit card! I'd use it over Spellbook any day, costing one mana more is not very often an issue in EDH, and it is well worth the extra effect it provides.
Might just be me, but I don't think Liliana does much in a deck where you have 3 swamps. It would be a bit like including Domri Rade in this deck, even though you've only got 4 creatures. Also, I would look into using 4x sylvan cyrathids (or however its spelled)
I was inspired by this, and took Phenax and went in a different direction - check this out . It combines the win cons of mill and maze's end, with Hold the Gates the creatures gets really huge and can mill for a great amount!
Agreed with above, you need some hand control like thoughseize, perhaps some way of gaining some life, and you need to add more token creators, for example Twilight Drower and Spectral Procession. Maybe the white Mikaeus could be a nice thing aswell (even though that's probably more casual)
The defenders will be tapped by Phalanx though, and unless you have more than 4 defenders out,that's more effective than doorkeeper, plus free activation
A bit uncoventional, but I would add Thassa, God of the Sea to this deck - especially if you go for 3 Phenax. Her scry ability is awesome, she could make your abberation unblockable, and getting her devotion up with wall of frost and stuff shouldn't be impossible!
Looking much better :) Nice casual deck! Could you check out this Modern Combo deck I made and perhaps leave a comment? :)
The Mecry Killings in the sideboard made me smile :D I can just imagine how nasty that could be in this deck!
Seems kinda random xD I would probably not use Elvish Piper here, with the biggest guy in the deck being a 4-drop.. He's far better with stuff like Worldspine Wurm and things of that size ;)
If you threw in black, Toxic Deluge would probably be a really nice addition - boardwhipe that also lets you decide you life total
I wouldn't really call Scepter and Vampiric Tutor for "infinite" library search, considered it's only once each turn. Perhaps repeated search? Anyways, from a player who hates inf combos, both using them and playing against them as it just removes the fun aspect of EDH, I would remove those combos.. Also, I would add in some ways for you to not have to discard down to 7 cards each end step - library of leng and reliquary tower seems good, vensers journal too. Perhaps some way to reccur artifacts aswell, like Buried Ruins and Academy Ruins?
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