4 Goblin Electromancers with 8 cards they reduce the mana cost of sounds.. a bit inefficient..
9 spells for electromancer and 13 for Guttersnipe? Seems kind of few to me, I'd add think twice and Searing Spear
Go Chandra aswell, duplicating rakdos's return could be fun!
You could go for blinkmoth nexus too, another land that can power up cranial plating, and it's also a good win con
Tamiyo, the moon sage perhaps? If you want a tap theme she fits good!
I would probably put pillar of flame in main board, to get rid of all the voice of resurgence etc in standard right now.
Is varolz really that effective here? I mean, the biggest scavenge you are going to get is for 2 counters, right?
A deck for 27 grand, possible to play only in casual formats! Wonderful ;)
Need more nonbasics :D Kor Haven, Karakas, Secluded Steppe, Drifting Meadows, Mystifying Maze, Maze of Ith, Eiganjo Castle, Flagstones of Trokair, Ghost Quarter, Kjeldoran Outpost, New Benalia, Temple of the False Gods.. Aaaaand thats about all the ones that aren't really really expensive, though some of these could be like 10 bucks
There's nothing here to use with Sovereigns of Lost Alara? Either remove it or add 1-2 Eldrazi Conscription :)
I've played a lot of tap deck myself, and i would add feeling of dread, sleep instead of blustersqual, and niveous wisp is pretty nice aswell, tapping one creature and drawing a card.
I would probably go with Boros Reckoner, and Blashpemous Act as mass removal :)
At what FNM would you play a deck legal in no formats? Super-casual-but-expensive-as-fuck-decks?
Hey, I just though about a card you could add here! Check out Prismatic Omen, it's a bit like chromatic lantern, only 1 mana cheaper, doesn't ramp and is an enchantment.
Wow, I love this deck idea! Being able to use the cheap fetch lands almost as effective as the expensive ones looks awesome. Perhaps you could add some Last Stand?
Consider Corpsejack menace in this deck :)
You know, Jund actually means black, green red colors, this is reffered to as a color wedge, not associated with a shard
You probably would be better of playing midnight haunting than lingering souls, splashing black with the evolving wilds for just that. Also nice that it's instant, keeping mana in case of other bad stuff. Also, considered like 2 aetherlings?
You should change Unsummon for Vapor Snag and Searing Spear for lighting bolt, right?
Though, technically it's not infinite, only for how many cards your library got
41-60 of 191 items