A mono black Zombiedeck without either Gravecrawler or Geralf's Messenger seems odd to me, though I like the amount of removal you've got
The win condition here is the only two creatures and Unhallowed Pact? Could work with the amount of removal you have I guess. Token decks could become hard for you, aswell as non creature based decks. Maybe add a sideboard with Black Sun's Zenith, a couple of more creatures, and some more counterspells? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=311807 this is the Esper Control deck I'm planning to build, it's Modern, check it out :)
Looks nice! Considered Lightning Helix?
Wouldn't it be better to remove the delvers and put in, well, I don't know, some extra spirits? You could put in Tormented Soul, that would make running four swamps more justified, I'd say. Ponder could also help you get those swamps into your hand.
Running four swamps for only the flashback on Lingering? Does seem a bit over the top to me, and so does the four Intangible Virtue considered you deck doesn't have that very many tokens. Delver seems kinda misplaced in this deck too, I'd say you're running to few instant/sorceries to support them.
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=293004 this is my mill deck, kinda similar to yours
Dark Ritual is banned in Modern, for a good reason ;)
It did work quite fine in the casual tournament I played, won like 25% of the games I played. I think I'll have to switch it around a bit, remove Swerve and put in regular counterspells of some sort.
Got my hands on 1 Crag Puca, all they had at my local magic place. I'll try this deck out in a casual tournament this week!
I've been thinking of Spectral Flight as an addition enchantment, do you have any tips? I've also been considering Dominus of Fealty. Crag Puca does sound like a nice addition, thanks!
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=274830 this is how mine looks. I like the whispersilk cloak alot, unblockable is really nice with Alchemist. It is partly based on what I own though, Glimpse would be a really nice addition to it.
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