
88 Decks, 399 Comments, 27 Reputation

The deck is a bit too slow mate, I mean you got creatures that are 6 and up in quantities that is more likely to give you a high cost Angel rather than a cheap cost reliable card. And even if those lands could prevent damage in a certain rate, not all decks will be that easy in a turn by turn basis.

Re-asses your mana curve, cut down on the expensive Angels and keep the ones you really need to have in the deck. If its a life gain, get creatures like goldenglow moth, or if you really want to get the Angels out, get some mana rampers and cards that will produce mana in more quantities in on tap, like mox opals or myr cards.

I can see the direction your trying to go, Angels for big damage, and subtle life gain to keep yourself in the game, but with only one Ajani, then its pretty easy to eliminate your life gain sources.

Just a suggestion mate ;P

Posted 29 January 2011 at 06:18 as a comment on Mono White Angel Deck


I like it. That imprint card that copies spells every turn, that is the best :D
My suggestion, add more cheap burns like lightning bolt and galvanic blast, 3 damage every turn is cool ^_^, even just two :D

Posted 26 January 2011 at 20:13 as a comment on Burning Haze


Like the idea mate. Brilliant!

Posted 26 January 2011 at 05:28 in reply to #118984 on Burn Manipulation


Actually, I thought the title meant that the deck is an anti green deck :P
I think your deck is a bit low on cards.... like 13 cards
suggestion. Add 4 each more of lands
get one more each of the enchantments
and add one more Dragon lord ^-^
This deck has a really good ramp strategy :D

Posted 26 January 2011 at 04:18 as a comment on What can you do, to prevent forest fires? nothing!


I meant chain lightning over chain of plasma

Posted 25 January 2011 at 23:09 in reply to #120621 on 3/1 tokens are scary!


Youre right, 3/1 token are very very scary, especially if you prevented 6 damage, you basically got do 18 damage instead, that is one hell of a combo. This is a very good burn deck. My suggestion is to add Chain Lightning instead. Its cheaper and I think it would be more affective considering that the affect works best when your attacking, so the fact that its a sorcery spell wont matter.

Posted 25 January 2011 at 23:07 as a comment on 3/1 tokens are scary!


I can tell that you are trying to play the mind game, but that really only works if you get the creatures out. And looking at this, you are more likely to draw those big guys, rather than drawing those cheap mana rampers. Only keep the Liege of Tangle cards, those are actually enough to make your opponent think about things, plus an 8/8 and can make lands 8/8 is literally good on itself. Get more mana grabbing creatures and spells, and your good. Than you may make comments on some decks declaring that this is probably better than theirs.

Posted 25 January 2011 at 18:52 as a comment on Elemental Ramp


I like this deck, a really good deck man, I would suggest adding some fetchlands, this deck is very much affective as the number of burn cards you could get on your opponent and its also a really good speed up.

@Pokemon: Your mono green elemental has no chance against my Lightning Rod deck. Check it out

Posted 25 January 2011 at 18:39 as a comment on Elemental Blast


Wow o.o
and you have your pic up too o.o
does that mean your Bruce Lee O.O??

Posted 25 January 2011 at 18:26 in reply to #119976 on Welcome to Batman's Zo0!!!


Well, Im just very particular with lightning, because I like how they draw lightning in their cards :D
and lightning is awesome, been in a lightning storm once and had a very good look at a beautiful lightning strike right in front of my own home. :P

Posted 25 January 2011 at 18:23 in reply to #120261 on Lightning Rod


Not a bad combo, although, my friend and I are not much familiar. We will check them out and see the combo

Posted 25 January 2011 at 18:21 as a comment on Darksteel Mana Ramped


oh shit, I just realized. You cheap boy, you deleted your own freakin comments, thts sneaky and ruins the rep of many decks mate. If its good, then it belongs in the top decks list. That's just low man, c'mon, I expected better man.

Posted 25 January 2011 at 08:47 as a comment on Welcome to Batman's Zo0!!!


wow o.o
How did you get your pic on here???? o.o

Posted 25 January 2011 at 07:34 in reply to #119976 on Welcome to Batman's Zo0!!!


I am glad to have been an inspiration for your creature choice, most red decks dont care about defence, the best defence is to kill those creatures, rather than use the burn cards to do pure damage.

This deck now looks really fun, if ever there is a two-headed giant competition for legacy, we should join forces :P

Posted 25 January 2011 at 04:49 in reply to #119899 on Flame On!


DedWards, for christ sake man, you could put a link next time. You have too many decks man :P

Posted 25 January 2011 at 02:46 in reply to #119451 on Turn 4 DRAGONS!


hahahahaha, amazing that there is only four comments in this deck and it has so many freakin many likes :P
Thats awesome man :D
Take out one Garruk and put in one more dragon master, just a suggestion ^-^

Posted 25 January 2011 at 02:38 as a comment on Welcome to Batman's Zo0!!!


I like the lands in this deck, no basic lands at all, that is AWESOME!!
And the crucible is cool for those lands placed in the graveyard.
My suggestion is Melt Terrain :D it destroys lands and deals two damage at the same time :D

Posted 25 January 2011 at 02:31 as a comment on Land demolition


Thanks man. Nice to find a fellow burner. What kind of burn is your favourite, obviously mine is Lightning style burn. You?

Posted 25 January 2011 at 02:16 in reply to #119503 on Lightning Rod


I like the changes you made, very efficient burning you have going on, and I like that your using quick mana to bring the burn cards out more :D

Posted 24 January 2011 at 06:12 as a comment on Flame On!


ok, I like the idea, but the problem is elves usually produce green mana, not white, and your lands are not so much help here either. try adding more dual lands like razorverge thicket. and maybe some birds of paradise, if the only point of mana creatures is to get the Angels out because birds of paradise gets any coloured mana, useful against people using stuff like spreading seas :P. Other than that, this deck has plenty of potential

Posted 24 January 2011 at 06:09 as a comment on Angelic Forces


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