Deity of Scars Just cause its a "in soviet russia" joke.
This has been my favorite deck since zendikar. Probably should update it though
wouldn't hapless reasearcher have summoning sickness? I am trying to find other combos for cephalid breakfast. I like the kiki jiki + sky hussar. I no longer like suture goul. I rather go with mimeoplasm + invisible stalker + lord of extinction. Any other ideas let us know
I like that idea about the roil elemental it could help take some creatures that are troublesome. There are only a few cards I know of that would hose this deck. One is Leyline of punishment. That can be fixed with naturalize or something like that. I'm thinking of making it more of a prison mill deck with a winter orb and counter magic. Maybe even a ISO scepter. However I don't wanna copy surewhynot's ISO seek or ISO pox. I guess it would be ISO fog
A truly undefeated deck. Well done
Try Flamekin Harbinger to fetch those Nova Chasers and ball lightnings. Also Brighthearth Banneret can speed the deck up a bit.
My turn, I exile Isamaru. Your turn...
Tainted Sigil would be better. Also Wall of reverence and wurmcoil engine
Crucible of Worlds
Might think about adding somme additiional tappers from innistrad and M12. Gideons Lawkeeper and Dreaded Fear come to mind. Could even add Gideon Jura himself if you have him.
That is bloodghast should be in main deck if you keep fetch lands
Oh and on the statistics of T2 win. It is conceivable but highly unwise and here is why. The cards like simian spirit guide and chancellor of the tangle would only work in your deck to do just such a thing and nothing else. Making dead drops for any future turns. If you were to a "Magic Hand" it would work. Otherwise you would get a hand that hindered your progress. Also I think that the pacts are an honorable mention. The spells like Distortion Strike that make kiln fiend and dragonaughts unblockable are your strongest cards. A well placed counterspell (which is very high in modern) could topple your chain reaction. So a few if not a single Pact of Negation would allow you to counter this effect and win that turn. A slaughter pact could also remove any creature that was in your way, if you so chose.
I love Kiln Fiend and I am very glad to see him coming back into the modern environment. I used to own a kiln fiend deck that almost always one by T2 or 3. Unfortunately it was replaced by the hyped up Red Deck Wins which was also fun. Modern certainly could use this spell slinging explosive giant.
This could very well be a new standard archetype. Predator Ooze is off the hook stompy and I think I would like to make a similar deck except with white for mass removal. Predator Oozes on the field then a board wipe means high board control. Also I would like to officially announce that Predator Ooze should now and forever should be referred to as "The Blob" because of the obvious reference to the Horror Classic The Blob.
To be honest the title just through me off. You could of just said it was a Melira Pod Modern Deck. Otherwise its not bad.
maybe with stuff like pyretic ritual and the like you could swing for lethal on turn two. I don't think you could cast distortion strike as well though.
I haven't really decided on a sideboard yet. Any thoughts, let me know.
If I did that I'd have to add blue and i think it would defeat the purpose of the deck. However a great idea for another deck. Invisa-blade
Add Moorland Haunt in to your lands. It will let some extra umph in after you pod.
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