When it comes time I would replace frost breath with feeling of dread. That card works miracles.
Zombie Infestation works faster than Lilliana and put in 1 more Unburail Rites, its your staple. Otherwise you put in the creatures I would put in it. Except for Vengeful Pharaoh, I don't know about him. Great deck.
What no Puresteel Paladin!
I tried before but I usually end up milling them anyway and they have a whole hand of removal waiting. Besides Gideon rocks because I can make them attack then fog them, which opens for Gideon to swing away.
Shivan Meteor for the damage and suspend it early for the countdown to destruction.
Zur, the Enchanter has always been one of the most powerful generals in EDH. Unfortunately (unless they have never heard of him before) people will gang up on you just because of his reputation. So if I were you I would throw in Diplomatic Immunity and make that your first enchantment to grab because. Because I played a game against him and as long as I went first I always found a removal spell to take care of him before he got going. Otherwise great deck.
Nether Traitor!
One more thing. I tried the sample hands and got a lot of swamp, surgical extraction, despise and those work great in the beginning if you know what your playing against. Just saying. "Oh you use jace, well.." Turn 1 Swamp Despise (choose jace) then pay 2 life for surgical extraction and no more jace "YAY!"
Comments appreciated. I don't know how this will work in the future might be fast, or slow I don't know. Any ideas let me know. Also I know that old cards like extirpate and isochron scepter would be nice but they are not type II so don't ask me to put them in please. Also I don't have any.
"Obliterator". Nice deck anyway.
Well since this is mostly the new phyrexia stuff why don't you try dispatch and counter spells instead of ice cage and pacifism. Also one torpor orb on turn two would end this deck. One reason why they splashed golems in green for artifact spot removal. Just saying.
Ok kill the piranha marsh and the marshal's anthems. This deck needs stoneforge mystic. Also Baneslayer is good but you dont need four of them. This deck seems fun but I just got heavy hands when I used sample draw. It needs to jump into it turn one you know. Good nonetheless
I'm pretty by turn five I'd give up. Once you imprint on panoptic mirror its over for them. It takes alot of guts to play this deck man. Every time I play a lockdown deck I just want to beat their face in cause it seems like no fun. Then I realize when you play a lockdown deck like this really fun and challenging. So thumbs up to you mate. "Could you get me a Dr. Pepper." Hehe thats hilarious
-1 hoarding dragon +2 acidic slime maybe add in khalni heart expedition and make a sideboard in case of artifact removal
"His skin cuts swords" from Deity of Scars. It reminds me of those "In soviet russia girl scouts you" sort of lines. Love it!
Well based on my sample hands I got some slow and some decent speed but I don't think thats what you were going for. It may be that there's just too many things going on. But I love Glissa and I love Tezzeret who can't the two working together.
I don't think that either blade works with spikeshot because they both require combat damage to trigger and his ability doesn't deal combat damage. The grafted exoskeleton does infect them but it is prbably not the viable option for this deck. Also your current spells do not have enough removable for T2 but Ajani changes that so ... Overall its a good idea just maybe remove a color and you'll be fitting in better.
This site needs decks like this every once in a while, they give a good laugh. Because their so broken!
Mishra's Workshop
Add some old nonbasic lands like golgari rot farm and cabal coffers. Good stuff!
21-40 of 62 items