Is it really?! The gatherer speaks differently that blows.
Unfortunatly, Memnarch doesn't work as a general because his activated abilities do match his converted mana cost. So the rules don't work for him or Bosch Iron Glem. Sorry. Still, good deck anyway.
Ok so I changed the deck by adding in some paradox hazes and titan forges. If upkeeps is what I want more of then more I will get.
No brass squire that's a given.
trouble with flying = Gravity Well. If not put it in your sideboard for those pesky flyers.
Is Asmira your commander?
Vedalken Infuser for more counters.
If you wanted to splash white terra eternal would make it ridiculous.
So no zuran orb and crucible of worlds. Without them your going to hurt yourself. I understand the gladeheart so put more in. Oh and if fastbond in there you should have no trouble putting in exploration instead of explore for more potential.
Phrexian Juggernaut
I LIKES HYDRAS!! This would be meaner with a splash of black or some eldrazi spawning cards for more mana. Oh and ulasht the hate seed.
Oh also add more dolls and imagine the possibilities with pyroclasm and slagstorm.
Fire servant then Meteor your stuffy doll for lethal, good stuff. Oh and it does stack. When you have multiples on the field all of their abilities at once, its one by one. Therefore one doubles then another doubles that and so on. So 13 becomes 26 which becomes 52 which becomes 104 in their face. Damn straight! Oh then tap stuffy for 1 more time to ensure their extra extra crispy.
I agree with the Venser idea but respect how you are trying to keep cost down. It would still do just fine without him.
This would work well if played properly. You hinder one of their spells then play high tide on turn five tap 4 islands for 8 to cast booby trap and a copy artifact of that bobby trap naming the card you hindered on top of their library. They draw and lose 20 life. Pretty nifty I must say, well done.
Understandable, I like this deck it just has to many things going on with it for my simple taste, but if you can play this well thats awsome. I'm sure this deck works like a machine.
Since this is nearly a singleton deck might I just point out that it is very difficult to get the cards you need in the sample hands.
Did you use orim's chant because its older than silence or because its kicker. Cause I don't isochron can do the kicker. Otherwise mean deck. I pretty sure with this deck your opponents will concede before you kill them most of the time.
Didn't know you could do that ... wow!
Thanks you guys, I played this deck for a while. Unfortunately, like all blue decks, it fell quickly to aggro decks like vamps and elves which were and still are pretty popular. Therefore it didn't cut it for standard, but for casual it's still a great deck. Thanks again.
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