The "original" lol when is the last time a dredgevine had any sort of decent finish anywhere? Therefore saying one build is better just has no merit, even more so having not tested anything yourself. Splashing red comes at very little cost once mana base is squared away.
Scavenging what? The big guys would cost way to much and the price/pay out of the small creatures would not be there.
I'll do a better break down of card selection and reason behind each when I get time. This list is honestly working out rather well though.
has good use when set to red keeping masters alive and repeatable bolts from crackleburr.
She's a 2 of at the top of my curve in a deck that draws a lot of cards potentially.
^ He has a similar deck IRL btw.
Attempting to just run blight in the board but you maybe correct. I am going for more control out of the board and hoping to keep my creature package in for the most part. Perhaps the tasigar doesn't fit in too with the gy reuse but we'll see.
Why not just go naya and splash the blue for just poly? Faithless looting is better that see beyond and red has good cheap token generators rather than paying 5cmc for something like elspeth. You can also then better your sideboard. Also cut you haste dude, if you really want a haste granter why not go with urabrash?I still think wurm is worse than most normal polymorph targets like eldrazi, blightsteel, grisselbrand but if you like the worm route that would be my suggetion.
Hand disruption is a thing too, as well as negate. These are all points made long ago. Do you have current updates as to how well the deck does against the tiers?
In my view here is the problem. Pod allows you to run 1 ofs for a tutor chain into answers you need, as well as works as your sac outlet to keep the engine running. The decks you are trying to make won't work because lets be honest collected isn't pod. You are trying for a combo kill like twin and will have the same issue except you don't have to control to back it up. So seer goes your done. Yeah you might catch someone here or there off guard but pod lasted through boards/builds because it had answers as well as threats.I personally think collected is more for a agro zoo build but even that will be hard to tweak to be competitive.
^this is what I was thinking
I feel like for that to be true it's going to have to be after turn 5 or 6
Are you sure you're not just catching those decks off guard? The well known decks already know how to play around each other for the most part and if someone is playing you without knowing your deck list yeah I could def see them being confused how to play against it at first. Once they see your list it honestly SEEMS (key word) easy to deal with. Cryptic command tends to come after remand and command taps down even progenitus. Then tend to run negate and mana leak of remands don't get it done. I said you have entrance (4) and seek (2) those are your 6 correct? Slaughter games sees play in almost every tron sideboard that I've come across.
So how does it play out when dramatic entrance is dealt with? You then rely on 2 seeks correct? If you win game 1 I just don't see how after boarding you make it? You have no removal/disruption (mainly hand disruption) so you just hope to out race? That's why I said I'd swap the 4 entrance for 4 seeks and vise versa. Then your threats are more viable if you want to keep it as is. Painters would get blown out of the water too fast to be viable I think. It looks fun and having never played it or against it it might be way better than I think but I play slaughter games/sergical extraction / thoughtsieze (inquisition so it's nice that entrance gets around that)/ Pyroclasm/ anger of the gods / path.. And it looks like they'd blow a deck like this up rather well without the inclusion of blue control/disruption spells.
I'm not saying cut progenitus I'd just cut him down. Xenagos isn't that easy to remove and if put in at instant speed followed by a seek could be really good. There is nothing here other than progenitus that's hard to disrupt and even he can be dealt with fairly easily after siding. If staying with this idea and wanting things harder to remove I'd go emrakul and swap values on your cheats.
After a quick glance have you thought of going the xenagos, atarka route with helkite and cutting down on progenitus and craterhoof? Would allow you to be closer to hard casting as well as not having craterhoof be a dead drop if your little guys get wiped. Edit: so after reading I'm guessing the wins/losses were with the deck working illegally? Can't believe you ran against that many people and the didn't notice/read the cards lol
You are aware people play on cockatrice correct? I have casual decks valued way over $600 so i really don't see why that argument keeps getting brought up. Also this deck has been edited with some tweaks from suggestions from people willing to take it as it is (a deck idea). I doubt anyone has drafted up the perfect deck on their first attempt.
Great suggestions I agree!
Although clearly good, not what this deck is doing.
I think perhaps he did speak for himself in the deck tag as well as the deck name. I just read the info given to me by him. He happens to be a friend of mine so if you're but hurt I'm sorry for that ;).
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