add blue for days undoing
No not even close. It's very much just a casual thing.
I had the sameish idea.
The problem is with the site itself. If they program the hot list better it wouldn't be an issue. One deck per person on the hot list, certain amount of deck types on there so everyone can have something that interests them to have a chance. Lastly its the just over abundance of decks you can post. the site could stop a lot of the spam and that's why i really only use it as a deck/idea tracker and go to the hot list sometimes for a laugh. If my decks make it there whatever but sometimes it's almost annoying because people don't read and just suggest random crap.
abrupt decay, counterspells, charm, thoughtseize and it can fetch enough basics to be ok yeah
Snapcasters and lands, the rest is cheap and less versatile.
Clique is really the only use you listed that it'd be good against. Delver you need to answer early when you also need to make your land drops and bob I have so many aggro creatures that he has a hard time out running these type of decks anyway.
Yeah a lot of people still run yard hate. While I agree it's usual relic it is still everywhere in the format.
Yeah mill seems bad in modern now with the delve creatures everywhere.
Thank you!
i'm not currently running loam so it'd be really bad in my build as i want to hit my land drops.
To slow and too weak as a walker for my taste.
Yeah but I don't want to spend two mana on my turn if it's not to cast a creature when there is so much I can do at instant speed in its stead.
I think 3 salvage is fine. I have 3 flex spots right now 1 land (I think if I drop electolyze), tasigur, and electolize. Tasigur will likely go back to my 4th angler, electolyze will likely be thought scour, or salvage as I think I'm ok with the 3 denial main for game 1 and that would leave room for the other or a Snapcaster if I decide to go with the 4th thought scour. Drawing cards is still very important to me.
Rarely it's a test as a 1 of for later game interactions. That's why it's stated as a test card slot. It likely won't stay but I do hit a lot of land drops and it's not a horrible card by any means.
If you aren't going to read what I wrote just stop commenting. I discussed Hedron crab already. I've thought about satyr in place of salvage but I'm not sure it helps being that it isn't a zombie and would only get me a land. Not letting me cast the second creature could be rough.
Sadly it's sorcery speed and cost 1U
I played "regular" dredgevine for years it got boring so I've been playing this more control build. The first paragraph of my write up should have told you that it is more of a brew. I explained why I don't like a lot of the cards in the "normal" build so I guess i don't know what you are trying to say.
Where does it say it's an aggro deck. Did you read anything that is written on the page?
There are a lot of things denial hits. Just because the deck can keep recurring itself doesn't mean it's easy. We still have to have the ability to cast 2 creatures and that sometimes means we need a zombie on the battlefield and the correct ones in the yard. Things aren't getting easier either with hallowed moonlight coming down the pike. Cryptic commands are running rampant again as well and backed by snapcasters they can lock us out of attacks for enough turns that it doesn't matter haw great the army is if it's tapped down. Not to mention the anger of the gods and terminus type effects that you can run into. Also people comboing off early can be stopped thinks like coco, goryo's, early karns/ugins, splinter twins turn 4, shall I keep going? Taking 1 turn off from being total aggro and stoping these big plays out of nowhere (as you can see against a deck where your opponent sees a vengevine in your yard they are just going to go for it) can just win you a game by catching them off guard.
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