Mm well first off Might of Oaks needs to go cuz it's not standard... Besides that id dump Fireball cuz its not very good or neccessary, and then its just mono green, and easier to cast things. In place of those 4 going, put in 4 Overgrown Battlements, those are very good in these types of situations.
Please comment on my decks at this URL and stuff: http// Nah just kidding i hate it when people do that! Anyway...i really like the idea, switching it up game 2 so it throws them off...very cool. Well i dont really have any advice, although i am wondering where Kalatria Highborn is cuz she's like the best vampire in my opinion, and especially over the Flensermite, but that's your preference. Also, i'd consider Soul Stair Expedition over Disentomb. Cool! Vamps rock
Dude drop Bolas and this deck becomes standard, and you can take out black to make it much smoother. Besides that, Guard Gomozoa is good. Stalwart Sheild-Bearers pumps them up a bit. Wall of Omens run 4 for sure. You don't need Shoal Serpant. And may want to throw in some draw spells to get faster to that Vent Sentinel, your only apparent win condition, unless you plan on throwing in Warmonger's Chariot.'s been a long 4 years........sorry : /
There's one white card with infect here. I mean I run 4 Mind Sludge's in my black deck but I don't call it my Discard Deck..
Hmm..good, cool, gobbies. I think maybe a little too much land though for a fast red deck...personally i've always wanted to try a Wheel of Fortune in a deck like this...or even have a Wheel of Fortune...but!
Dude this tagged as Mono Blue..might wanna fix that O.o
Bring me a shrubbery! :) But hmm duder mcdudington...there's a lot that could be done here. Possible additions of Accorder Paladin, Hero of Bladehold, or White Knight, for creatures. Too many lands (p.s. you can enter a number greater then 4 for a card). More noncreatures - possibily Brave the Elements for a deck like this, Honor of the Pure, Journey to Nowhere for some control. Also, if you wanted to make it more Knight-y, i'd pull Victory's Herald for True Conviction, cuz she ain't no Knight. Also Carnage Altar is one the worst cards in standard. Please please take it out, for anything. So personally i'd revamp this a bit and consider reconstruction. And seriously demand a shrubbery from whatever opponent you play.
Terastodon x4 = $6 Elvish Archdruid x4 = $20 Joraga Treespeaker x4 = $6 Joraga Warcaller x4 = $10 Ezuri x4 = $12 Thrun x4 = $80 Ascentism x4 = $8 Tectonic Edge x4 = $10 Genesis Wave x4 = $14 Arbor Elf and Llanowar Elf x4 = $2 TOTAL = $168 ...... Did you seriously call this budget??
They'd be dead. And saporling are gay. And so are you.
Yeah, I know I could win easily with the Sovereign, but I don't like "win" cards :/ it's just a preference thing. Thanks for comment though!
Thanks for the comment :) Yeah, as I stated, it's not meant to be really great, just fun (which it is), but yeah i know i could cut back a bit on the copying. As for Mimic Vat, yeah...I know it'd be great. But this is a deck i'm actually playing with and I don't have the money right now for it :( if i did though yeah good idea it'd go right in there.
Nice! This is really cool :) As for speed up...hmm :/ don't think blue's gonna give you much...but you could grab some stall if it's too big a problem, like Wall of Frost, Fog Bank, or Guard Gomazoa. Also, sidenote - Underworld Dream's mana cost always annoyed me...I've always wanted to do something similiar to this but have Dreams so it'd kill them like that...but 3 black mana :( stupid. Sorry that was totally irrelevant but it always made me angry. Anyway, cool! I'd play you if i could.
Maybe some pump for your spells like Quest for Pure Flame, Fire Servant, Furnace of Rath, or maybe Gratuitous Violence.
Nice. I did something similiar except used Cloudpost, Gimmerpost, and Vesuva to pump out insane amounts of colorless mana to get the cannon ready early. Can pop out 9 mana on turn 4 with those lands. Use it as fuel. That's my suggestion, anyway. But yeah a fun deck to play with. Also, don't know if you've considered Veldalken Infuser, but it's another possible stormtrooper for ya.
Merfolk Seastalkers needs out, cards' terrible. That's where Stoneybrook fits in. And i'd want 4 so i'd pull Lullage, personally. This will speed up the deck considerabley. Also, seeing as you have the spreading seas and the aquitects will, the convincing mirages are prolly not 100% nessesary, but that's just if you're look to fit some nonland card in there. Just some suggestions. I've played against similiar decks, they're very effective.
I feel like Aspect of Mongoose or Capony Cover should be in here to protect the one guy you're pretty much relying on
Could throw in more 0 drop artifacts just to accel the affinity. Like Spidersilk Net or Accorder's Shield. Also Thran Dynamo could be used as a constant mana supply.
Why no Wanderwine Hub?
Yeah you need to take out Barony Vampire...she's terrible. Throw in 4 Gatekeepers. The card is so useful it's just great. Also, consider Grasp of Darkness over Doomblade...but it's just a preference thing.
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