you're right i'd much rather play with your Bring Cards To Your Hand Deck. OH NO!! IT'S MENTAL NOTE!!
I've faced this deck - god it seems 100 times - and he's right, after 5-7 turns if you haven't won not gonna. THE FUNGUS ARE AMONG US!!!!! (although nobody has yet to identify what the fuck they really are)
Wow. I mean wow. Only a total faggot, i mean a real faggot among faggots would even think, let alone actually purchase, something as genuinely retarded as the list of items i have just witnessed. If any of these cards ever hit a table within the general vicinity of me, i may vomit, urinate, or defecate on sight, aimed at not the cards, but whoever took the time out of his crappy ass day to actually put them together. Haha nice deck man i can't wait to play it (and then refuse to play it). Mtg this weekend? These cards won't be in yet but you can unleash full-out fungus furry as usual. And we can get max know. Also we should play with Vinny and Joey if possible (NOT with phil, that would be bad).
Love it. I have 4 Omnath's in my green deck and i just love him, except i combo him with Oracle of Mul Daya and Vernal Bloom to sup the shit outta him, although your method would work even better. The only thing i could critique would be the low land count. Great card, and really nice deck.
Nice deck (i love Green power), but it my favorite card in my Green Beatdown is Omnath, he's just the coolest. If you're going for fast mana (as your deck type says), Oracle of Mul Daya is my favorite, after a few turns you'll have twice the mana of the opponent has and can get out your big guys. Canopy Cover is also a good substitute for Aspect of Mongoose (i prefer it, you may not, it's up in the air over which is better). Also i'd throw in cards like Overrun or Predatory Focus for the kill. But these are just suggestions, i still like the deck, and moreover i love green beatdown.
Nice deck. And all decks I've posted are decks i own in real life. I also don't see the point in posting a deck online you don't even own.
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