Well first off, this deck is veryy close to standard. Pesonally, i'd do the small tweaks to make it standard. I know you'd have to take out Gaea's Cradle, but still. If you're going Legacy, i'd go all out. As for suggestions, there are some to consider (for Legacy). First of, you got the oldest tribal overrun card, Coat of Arms. This will make everyone huge. Heritage Druid makes elf decks fast, real fast. Combo with some Nettle Sentinels (if you have 3 out and the Hertiage Druid, you have be able to empty your hand with the free green mana). If you do go this route, Glimpse of Nature is what makes the mechanic run amazingly. Priest of Titania is of course a fantasy Elf legacy card, and would help pumping out the Warcallers for umpteen kicks. But what makes the elven army? Elvish Promenade. Use it to pump out tons of elves, and if the Coat of Arms or kicked Warcaller is out, it's game over. Super overrun. A little bit of fun you can have as well (i did this in my old elf deck for de lolz) is to get a ton on little guys out with the Promenades, have a Reliquary Tower out, and play a Collective Unconscience or Regal Force. Giant Hand! Yay. So there's some fun. As for standard, if that's your route, i really don't know : / ive just used/seen Legacy elves, and id recommend those. Hope some of it helped! Good luck.
Ya i'd consider Doom Blade or Smother in there somewhere for removal. Every deck needs some removal/control. If not, you will be the one being controlled.
Mkayy....there's definetly room for improvement here man. First of i'd ditch Knight of Cliffhaven and Dawnglare Invoker for a playset of Kor Duelists. Those should be your primary 1 drops, and you already have better drops in there. Complete the playset for Armament Master, he's your leader. Stoneforge Mystic is your second most important creature, so i'd also try to complete the playset for her. Also Kor Skyfisher is quite good...i'd get more of him if possible. Try to have out a 0 drop like the Accorder's Shield, so you can bounce it back and drop it again for nothing. For noncreatures, there's a lot of work that could be done as well. First of you need more equipment in general. Equipment is makes the Kor army run. Five is not enough. I'd suggest Spidersilk Net possibly, because a lot of Kor simply rn on the mechanic that they ARE equipped, not with what, and it's the easiest equip in standard right now. As for the Fulgent Distractions...not quite seeing the corelation...are you trying to unequip YOUr creatures? If so, please know that there are no longer unequip costs. It isn't really a necessary card. I'd take them out for more equips. Smite is an ehh card, sounds better then it really is. Brave the Elements is a card that comes in handy more often then Smite. You run 1 Nomad's Assembly...i'd run 2, and at least 2 Conqueror's Pledge. They pump out your army for you. And with Armament Master equipped, your popping out an army of 3/3's or greater. Other good white cards in general to maybe run would be Honor of the Pure and Condemn, if you're looking for ideas. Well i hope i helped a little...consider some of these things. I like the name of the deck by the way.
I'd run a little more land. And for that land i'd run Vesuva. Have it come in as a copy of Cloudpost, that way you can have 8 Cloudposts max. instead of 4, makes them worth more. I've run the 4 of Cloudpost, Glimmerpost, and Vesuva in a deck before and it makes the mana accel ridiculous. So i'd suggest making room for those. But i like the idea :) indestructibility ftw But now exile = total buzzkill o_0
Looking through this it doesn't seem the red splash is necessary. It seems like the it would cause more mana problems then actually help in winning.
This deck is terrible and it's not even the minimum number of cards...
Nice. I would say Darksteel Myr instead of one of the walls. But ya, i get it. Keep the field empty, burn down the opponents health. But for every deck you must look at what could ruin it - in this case, there is no defense against possibly harmful artifacts or enchantments that could ruin your game. While mono red won't give you enchantment destruction, you can definetly get some artifacts out of the way (these would be more like sideboard cards.) Also, Nevinyrral's Disk could definetly run well in this, providing you both artifact and enchantment removal, as well as any creatures that your damage can't destroy. Also would run well with the previously mentioned Darksteel Myr, as he would unaffected. Just some possibilities to think about. I like the deck and the idea. Run with it.
For budget, consider Overgrown Battlement - low cost for good defense while you're gatehring mana for fatties, and of course provides mana, possibly multiple green mana per tap.
K well...if you ACTUALLY have 4 Chandras and 3 Koths, money really isnt an issue here. As such, thrown in a playest of Ball Lightning's...they are red burn to the max. Also Searing Blaze is a cheap effective red burn spell that has always worked well for me. Besides that this seeems pretty nice n' hot, just the way red likes it.
I agree with Jaggedjoe...i know the idea, but it's not workin here man. There are some good'uns - Ball Lightning is a winner, Hellspark isn't terrible, Pure Flame does well in burn, and of course red's best friend, Bolt. But there is a lot of work to be done. You need some more creatures, or higher damage dealing spells to actually swing this for a win. Searing Blaze is a nice, cheap card that would fit in well here. Any Chandra could fit in, and you might wanna consider some big'uns like dragons to swing through for reoccuring damage or just to use as protection. Red Burn is as old as time. This one just needs a little tweakage. I'd look around at some other Burn decks for more ideas.
Ditch Regress for Into the Riols. Much more effective. And halimer depths for Celestial Colonnades. Also Oblivion Rings protect you from whatever enchantments, artifacts, planeswalkers, or nonland permamnents that are hurting you. A little counterheavy for me. Besides that i like it. U/W Control is what i run in tounreys and is my favorite. It is the win.
Quest for the Pure Flame might be of help. Also i had a deck similiar to this and Staggershock always came in handy, a good red burn spell. Also something i noticed - Cunning Sparkmage is better then Pyromancer...i'd switch the count to 4 and 2, personally.
Yes it would. First off you may have more then one artifact on the field, yes. You can have any number of anything on the field except for two of the same Legendary permanents, or planeswalkers of the same type, or a card that specifies as such. With them then both on the field, the charge counters would pile on both of them, and their effects would trigger seperately. So yes...two Sun Droplets = two life back every upkeep (per charge counter), 3 =3, and 4=4
In this situation personally i would use Searing Blaze. There's a good chance you'll need the creature removal, and it's an effective card. Lava Spike isn't bad for in-the-face red aggro, but i would say Searing Blaze is preferable. Or, if you can't make up your mind, you could always just go 2 and 2 for both.
Haha yeah this is the kind of deck your friends play once and then say 'that's never happening again". I like it.
The plural of leaf is leaves. Not Magic related, just throwin it out there. Cool deck though i love green. I run Vernal Bloom in mine, because i love the 2-for-1 mana (or possibly 3-5 if you have multiple) and Arbor Elves can untap them to give you even more, making Onmath huge if he's on the field. Not to mention if Vernal Bloom is out Garruk becomes free (pay 2 for him, untap 2 land ability). But i know this is for standard so whatever.
You can also throw in Vesuva and copy Cloudpost or and Urza's if they're completed. But your gonna need some defense for early-mid game, it's too slow. Some Fogs could help.
Too big, too slow.
Not fast enough. I know you have some basic land excel but it's not gonna be enough. Unless your playing against people who really suck, but turn 5 or 6 you should be dealing with a considerable force and your Nest Invader and Wall of Frost are not gonna be enough. Maybe some Fogs to keep them at bay for a while, or Web of Inertia could work.
It's ok but too basic. One mishap like a Wrath of God or something and your out for good. I'd throw in some protection like Wrap in Vigor, Naturalize and such to defend yourself from other people's decks as well. Some card draw with stuff like Harmonize could help, Nature's Spiral in case of a Doom Blade or something, and Fierce Empath could help get your creatures to your hand, seeing as your gonna be searching for those big creatures later in the game. Besides that Vernal Bloom is always a favorite green card of mine, you get double your mana's worth! Plus with Arbor Elves you can untap those forests that are now worth double, and make a forest 4 times its normal value, and pump out your fatties fast and easy. Also Protean Hydra is good, especially with Vernal Bloom, but Terra Stomper is also a great card you should consider. Some things to think about.
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